查看全文    HTML 基于“五位一体”现代农业示范基地的农业科技服务模式研究
Study on the model of agricultural science andtechnology service based on the modernagricultural demonstration base
中文关键词: 五位一体  现代农业示范基地  农业科技服务体系  服务模式  产业链
英文关键词: five-in-one  modern agricultural demonstration base  agricultural science and technology service system  service mode  industrial chain
基金项目:广东省2015 年省级现代农业五位一体示范基地项目
刘建峰1,骆浩文1,段洪洋2,林悦欣1 1. 广东省农业科学院广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 2906
全文下载次数: 1655
      随着我国农业由传统农业向现代农业全面转型,农业科技服务体系也正在发生深刻的变化。以 潮州市“韩金果种植专业合作社”基地、普宁市“广东利泰农业开发有限公司”基地、汕头市“广东省汕 头和利农种业研究院”基地、汕头市“江畔农业科技有限公司”基地、饶平县“广东光宇生物科技有限公 司”基地、汕头市“丰乐农业科技有限公司”6 个“五位一体”现代农业示范基地为对象,针对传统农业 科技服务模式的不足,深入研究现代农业科技服务的需求特点、服务模式等,提出以产业链为服务对象,以 提高要素利用率为目标,融“多环节技术服务、信息服务、品牌服务、规划服务、政策服务”于一体的农业 科技服务新模式,变专家单体服务为团队服务、多点服务,直击资金、信息、技术等产业痛点,取得了较好 的效果。
      With the comprehensive transformation of agriculture from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture,agricultural science and technology service system is also undergoing profound changes. In the view of lack of traditional agricultural science and technology service model,this paper studied the characteristics of demand and service model of modern agricultural science and technology service based on six bases,which included of“ Hanjin fruit cultivation cooperatives” in Chaozhou,etc. And the research suggested a new model of agricultural science and technology service,which was composed of“ technical services,information services,brand services,planning services and policy services”,it made the expert monomer service into a team service,provided multi-point service and breakthroughed the industrial difficulties,such as funds,information,technology and so on.
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