刘瑞丽,王 欢,张晓宁,张宏彦.不同养分管理模式对小麦产量 和氮肥效率的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(4):7-13
查看全文    HTML 不同养分管理模式对小麦产量 和氮肥效率的影响
Effects of different nutrient management systemson wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency
中文关键词: 小麦  产量  分蘖  地上部生物量  氮吸收  氮肥偏生产力
英文关键词: wheat  yield  tillering  aboveground biomass  nitrogen uptake  nitrogen partial productivity
刘瑞丽,王 欢,张晓宁,张宏彦 中国农业大学资源与环境学院北京 100193 
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      提高单位面积产量是满足我国小麦需求的主要途径。基于田间长期定位试验,分析了过去低投 入、当前集约化高投入和优化投入3 种养分管理模式对小麦生长发育和氮肥效率的影响。结果表明:低投 入的氮肥偏生产力高,但小麦分蘖能力、地上部生物量累积、氮吸收和产量均受到影响,两季平均产量只有 3.79 t/hm2;优化投入在保证小麦产量的基础上比高投入减少20%~46% 的化肥和7 t/hm2 的牛粪,显著提高 氮肥偏生产力,二者两季平均产量分别为9.27、9.28 t/hm2,平均氮肥偏生产力分别为68、27 kg/kg;高投入 中大量的养分投入增加了无效分蘖的发生和营养生长阶段氮的奢侈吸收,不利于小麦产量的进一步提高。 因此,优化肥料用量和施肥时期是保证小麦产量和提高氮肥效率的基础。
      The effects of different nutrient management systems,including historical low-input,modern intensive high-input and optimum-input,on wheat growth and nitrogen use efficiency were evaluated in a longterm field experiment. The results indicated that: nitrogen partial productivity was obviously high in low-input system related to low nutrient rate,but wheat tillering,aboveground biomass accumulation,nitrogen uptake and yield were negatively affected by nutrient deficiency. Mean wheat yield inlow-input system of the two study years was only 3.79 t/hm2. Based on root-zone nutrient management,20% of 46% of chemical fertilizer and total cattle manure were saved in optimum-input system,compared with high-input system,with no yield penalty,and significantly improved nitrogen partial productivity. According to the two study years,mean of wheat yields in optimum-input and highinput systems were 9.27 and 9.28 t/hm2,and nitrogen partial productivities were 68 and 27 kg/kg,respectively. Massive nutrient in high-input system increased un-productive tillering and led to nitrogen luxurious uptake during the vegetative growth stage,these were unprofitable to further yield improvement. In conclusion,optimization of fertilizer rate and fertilization time were essential to maintain wheat yield and improve nitrogen use efficiency.
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