肖维强,许林兵,黄秉智,戴宏芬,杨 护.不同薄膜包装对粉蕉货架期品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(4):131-137
查看全文    HTML 不同薄膜包装对粉蕉货架期品质的影响
Effects of different plastic film packages onshelf life quality of dwarf banana
中文关键词: 粉蕉  不同薄膜袋包装  自发气调  BOPP  货架期品质
英文关键词: dwarf banana  different plastic film packages  modified atmosphere  biaxially oriented polypropylene  shelf life quality
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2014A020208070);广东省科技厅产学研项目(2015B020202005);广州市南 沙区工业与科技信息化局科技计划项目(2015MS002)
肖维强,许林兵,黄秉智,戴宏芬,杨 护 广东省农科院果树研究所/ 农业部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      为研究不同薄膜包装(MAP)对粉杂一号粉蕉在常温22(±2)℃货架期贮藏品质的影响,采 用0.03 mm 聚乙烯(PE3c)、0.05 mm 聚乙烯(PE5c)、0.07 mm 聚乙烯(PE7c)、0.03 mm 双向拉伸聚丙烯 (BOPP)薄膜袋对用保鲜剂和乙烯利处理1 d 后的样品进行包装,加入自制乙烯吸收剂,形成自发气调包 装。结果表明:BOPP 薄膜袋包装形成高CO2 浓度(7%~12%)、低O2 浓度(5.68%~7.53%)的微环境,抑 制了果实乙烯生成和后熟进程,明显延缓果实硬度下降和果皮变黄,抑制了果肉可溶性固形物上升和有机 酸增加以及维生素C 减少,失重率小,好果率高,货架期达到12 d 以上,较好保持粉蕉的常温货架期品质; 其他包装的效果大小依次是PE7c、PE5c、PE3c。BOPP 薄膜袋包装优于常用的聚乙烯薄膜袋,可用于粉蕉催 熟后的常温货架贮藏。
      In this study,modified atmosphere packaging(MAP)of four different plastic films was conducted on dwarf banana‘FenzaNo.1’in order to investigate the shelf storage effects at room temperature(22±2℃). Packages of polyethylene film 0.03 mm(PE3c),0.05 mm(PE5c),0.07 mm(PE7c)and biaxially oriented polypropylene film 0.03 mm(BOPP)were used after banana was treated with preservatives and ethephon for 1 day. An ethylene absorbent by independent research and development was put in each package. MAP was created for banana storage. Results showed that CO2 rose up to 7%-12% and O2 dropped off to 5.68%-7.53% in the mini-environment closed by BOPP. High CO2 and low O2 concentration decreased ethylene formation and postponed post-ripening. Fruit hardness declined and peel turned yellow obviously slowly. Increment of total soluble solids,organic acid and decrement of Vitamin C were obviously retarded. Fruit was maintained with low weight loss and high good fruit rate. Shelf life prolonged to more than 12 days. Fruit quality was relatively good at room temperature during shelf storage. The storage effect of PE7c,PE5c and PE3c ranked afterwards in order. It is concluded that BOPP is better than common-used PE. BOPP is suitable for shelf storage of dwarf banana at room temperature after artificial ripening treatment.
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