陈月桂,谭嘉娜,官锦燕,罗剑飘,黄海英,罗青文,杨俊贤,李奇伟.甘蔗新品种粤糖03-373 组培快繁试验[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(5):13-18
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Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Yuetang 03-373,a new sugarcane variety
中文关键词: 甘蔗  粤糖03-373  组培快繁  愈伤组织培养  茎尖和腋芽培养
英文关键词: sugarcane  Yuetang 03-373  tissue culture and rapid propagation  callus culture  shoot-tip and axillary bud culture
基金项目:广东省科技计划- 科技基础条件建设项目(2015A030302009);湛江市科技计划项目(2015A03014)
陈月桂,谭嘉娜,官锦燕,罗剑飘,黄海英,罗青文,杨俊贤,李奇伟 广东省生物工程研究所(广州甘蔗糖业研究所) / 广东省甘蔗遗传改良与生物炼制重点实验室广东 广州 510316 
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      以粤糖新品种03-373 的成熟甘蔗种茎作为研究材料,研究不同植物生长调节剂配比对愈伤 组织脱分化和再分化诱导、茎尖与腋芽萌发诱导、丛芽增殖培养、生根培养的影响。结果表明,适合粤糖 03-373 的最佳综合组培方案为:诱导愈伤组织脱分化适宜培养基为MS+2,4-D1.0 mg/L,诱导愈伤组织再 分化的适宜培养基为MS+BA 0.5 mg/L +IBA 0.01 mg/L,诱导茎尖与腋芽萌发的适宜培养基为MS+ BA 1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.04 mg/L,丛芽继代增殖适宜培养基为MS+ BA 1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.04 mg/L,生根培养基以1/2MS + ABT 0.20 g/L + IBA 0.05 mg/L + 活性碳0.5 g/L;继代培养基中添加不同浓度椰汁、水解酪蛋白和酵母提取 物,组培苗黄化率由低到高依次为椰汁<水解酪蛋白<酵母提取物<对照;采用简易的沙培方式,组培苗 的假植成活率达99%以上,大田移栽成活率达98%。
      Experiments were carried out using stem of a new sugarcane variety Yuetang 03-373 as materials,the best synthetic way of tissure culture was obtained by different exogenous hormones ratio for inducing dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of callus,inducing germination of shoot-tip and axillary bud,clustered buds cultivation,multiplication during subculture and rooting. The results showed that for Yuetang 03-373,MS + 2, 4-D mg/L was the optimal medium for callus induction,MS+BA0.5 mg/L + IBA0.01 mg/L was the optimal medium for buds differentiation from callus induction,MS+ BA1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.04 mg/L was the optimal medium for germination of shoot-tip and axillary bud,MS + BA1.0 mg/L +IBA0.04 mg/L was the optimal proliferation medium, and the best medium for rooting was 1/2MS + ABT0.20 g/L + IBA0.05 mg/L + Ac0.5 g/L . Etiolation rates of plants were in order from low to high among coconut juice,casein hydrolysate,yeast extract and control in the subculture medium . The survival percentage of transplant was up to 99% with the simpal sand medium,transplanting survival rate was up to 98% in the soil.
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