陈亚玲,陈立志,程 鹏,李晓磊,刘爱民.高效稻秆降解菌的分离鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(5):72-77
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Isolation and identification of high-efficiency rice straw degrading bacteria
中文关键词: 稻秆降解菌  降解率  鉴定  复合菌系
英文关键词: rice straw degrading bacteria  degradation rate  identification  complex bacterial strains
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金(1408085MC53);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201610370113);安徽 省皖江城市带退化生态系统的恢复与重建2011 协同创新中心基金
陈亚玲,陈立志,程 鹏,李晓磊,刘爱民 安徽师范大学生命科学学院/ 生物环境与生态安全安徽省高校省级重点实验室/ 重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室安徽 芜湖 241000 
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      为实现稻秆快速降解、原位还田,利用秸秆粉平板和刚果红- 纤维素平板从土壤中初步筛选 出4 株降解稻秆能力较强的细菌,进行菌落特征和菌体形态观察;运用DNS 法测定4 种细菌的纤维素酶 活变化曲线,分析稻秆失重率及残渣含量发现其中两株细菌降解效果更优;利用16SrDNA 序列分析鉴定菌 属,随后将4 株细菌建立复合菌系降解稻秆。结果表明,35℃、180 r/min 摇床培养15 d 后发现菌XJ1、XJ2、 XJ8、XJ9 处理的稻秆降解率分别达到78.04%、72.68%、68.48% 和76.58%。菌XJ1 为地衣芽胞杆菌属,菌 XJ9 为高温芽孢杆菌属。37℃、180 r/min 摇床培养3 d 后复合菌系稻秆降解率达50.16%,培养7 d 时稻秆降 解率达58.32%。
      In order to achieve rapid degradation of rice stalk and in situ to field,four kinds of bacteria with strong ability to degrade rice straw were preliminarily selected from the soil using rice straw powder medium and Congo red-cellulose medium to observe the colony characteristics and morphology. The variation curve of cellulase activities of these four bacteria were determined by DNS method. By analyzing the weight loss rate and residue content of rice straw,two among these bacteria had high ability to degrade. Then using 16SrDNA sequence analysis,the bacteria was identified. In the end,combining these four bacteria,a complex bacterial strain was established to degrade rice straw. The results showed that the degradation rates of rice straw treated with XJ1, XJ2,XJ8 and XJ9 were 78.04%,72.68%,68.48% and 76.58% after 15 days of shaking at 35℃ and 180 r/min. Strain XJ1 was identified as Bacillus licheniformis and strain XJ9 was identified as megathermal Bacillus subtilis. Degradation rate of rice straw in the complex bacterial strain reached 43.20% after 3 days,and the rice straw degradation rate reached 49.76% on the 7th day.
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