王 章,袁泳兰,包志江,李 婷,董 晶,安立龙,效 梅,杜炳旺,张 丽.盔顶珍珠鸡快慢羽基因分型及早期性别鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(5):126-131
查看全文    HTML 盔顶珍珠鸡快慢羽基因分型及早期性别鉴定
Feather speed genotyping and early sex identificationon of helmet Guinea Fowl
中文关键词: 珍珠鸡  羽速  品系培育  性别鉴定  遗传基础
英文关键词: Guinea fowl  feather speed  strain breeding  sex identification  genetic basis
基金项目:广东省大学生创新训练项目(CXXL2015064);广东海洋大学优秀教学团队建设项目(GDOU2010 6030501)
王 章,袁泳兰,包志江,李 婷,董 晶,安立龙,效 梅,杜炳旺,张 丽 广东海洋大学农学院广东 湛江 524088 
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      珍珠鸡与家鸡的动物学分类地位相差甚远,1 日龄珍珠鸡无法通过翻肛鉴别性别,直接影响其 管理和生产流程。为解决珍珠鸡早期性别鉴定的问题,分析了珍珠鸡快、慢羽遗传特征以及利用快慢羽建 立自别雌雄配套系的可能性,同时尝试利用CHD-1 基因对珍珠鸡实施早期性别鉴定。通过肉眼观察1 日 龄珍珠鸡羽速,并采集其毛囊组织,检测珍珠鸡快慢羽ev21 基因插入位点;以家鸡CHD-1 基因序列为参 考,扩增检测珍珠鸡的毛囊DNA,鉴定珍珠鸡的性别。未检测出该群体存在慢羽个体;另外,性别鉴定结果 与阳性对照家鸡的条带一致,公母间出现差异,且与180 日龄珍珠鸡性成熟时的翻肛鉴定结果一致。控制 珍珠鸡快慢羽性状的遗传基础与家鸡可能存在差异,该群体目前不能通过系统选育建立快慢羽自别雌雄品 系,而CHD-1 基因可用于珍珠鸡早期性别鉴定,表明该基因在家鸡与珍珠鸡间遗传特征相同。在珍珠鸡快 慢羽自别雌雄品系尚未建立前,可用于珍珠鸡早期性别鉴定。
      There is a great gap between Guinea fowl and domestic chickens in the zoological classification status,Guinea fowl cannot turn anal to identify sex at 1d age,which will directly affect the production and management process. In order to solve the early sex identification of Guinea fowl,we analyzed the Guinea fowl’s genetic characteristics of feather speed and the possibility that we established a self-mating feather speed system. At the same time,we tried to take advantage of CHD-1 gene to identify Guinea fowl early gender. Firstly, At the age of 1d,we observed Guinea fowl’s feather speed by macroscopic observation,and collected the hair follicle tissue to analyze the genetic of feather speed differences and program genotype discriminant analysis for slow feather cock;then,we referenced chicken CHD-1 gene sequence to identify Guinea fowl early gender by amplificating Guinea fowl follicles DNA. There were no community of slow feather individuals. In addition,sex determination results were consisted with the positive control of domestic chickens bands,and the consistent between identification results and the anus’ result in 180 day achieved 100%. There may be differences between the domestic chicken and Guinea fowl in feather speed’s genetic basis,the group couldn’t establish a Guinea fowl feather strain through the system selection. Howerve,the results showed that domestic chicken CHD-1 could be used to identify Guinea fowl’s gender,which indicated that CHD-1 gene between normal chicken and Guinea fowl had the same genetic features,could be used for sex identification of Guinea fowl. We can use this PCR method to identify Guinea fowls early gender before we establish the rapidly and slowly feathering strains and autosexing of Guinea fowl.
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