查看全文    HTML 精准扶贫政策实施的区域差异性比较研究——基于对广西玉林市和广东湛江市的考察
Comparison of regional discrepancy of policy implementation of precise poverty alleviation:based on theinvestigationof Yulin,Guangxi and Zhanjiang,Guangdong
中文关键词: 精准扶贫  政策  玉林市  湛江市
英文关键词: precise poverty alleviation  policy  Yulin City  Zhanjiang City
基金项目:教育部人文社会规划项目(16YJA630073);广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD15CGL16);广东省自 然科学基金(2016A030313402)
凌立文,蔡超敏,张大斌 华南农业大学数学与信息学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 2209
全文下载次数: 969
      精准扶贫已成为党的十八大后农村贫困治理工作的重要措施。我国地域辽阔,区域差异性较 大,尤其是东西部地区经济社会发展水平差距明显,这些因素对精准扶贫工作提出了更高要求。为深入分 析不同地区精准扶贫政策的执行情况,以广西玉林和广东湛江两个具有代表性的东西部贫困区为例,从精 准识别方式、精准扶贫资金来源与使用效率、精准帮扶具体措施等开展政策实施的区域差异性比较研究。 基于宏观经济发展程度、地理环境资源、主观思想意识的不同因素,分析政策实施方式的差异现状和原 因,在此基础上提出了加强建档立卡贫困户的动态管理、增强精准扶贫的造血功能、完善“第一书记”工 作机制、健全精准扶贫成效的第三方考评机制等对策建议。
      Precise poverty alleviation is the fundamental principle,which gives guidance on rural poverty alleviation at present and in the future. The discrepancy among different provinces,especially the gap between east and west region,proposes higher requirements for the poverty alleviation policy. We investigated Yulin and Zhanjiang to understand policy implementation concerning the procedure of precise identification,source of funds and specific poverty alleviation methods. According to the diversity of local economy development,natural conditions and subjective ideology,differences of policy implementation existed between the two cities. It is believed that dynamic governance of poverty family and sustained promotion function of poverty alleviation policy should be enhanced. Furthermore,the mechanism of“ First Secretary” and performance evaluation by the third party should be perfectly established.
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