吴有祥1,胡世龙1,欧明毅1,王玉平1,马 坤1,宗钊辉2,彭晓杰2,王 维2.采收时期对烤烟成熟度和感官质量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(7):13-18
查看全文    HTML 采收时期对烤烟成熟度和感官质量的影响
Effects of harvest time on maturity and sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco
中文关键词: 推迟采收  烤烟  成熟度  中性香气物质含量  产质量
英文关键词: delayed harvest  flue-cured tobacco  maturity  neutral aroma content  yield and quality
吴有祥1,胡世龙1,欧明毅1,王玉平1,马 坤1,宗钊辉2,彭晓杰2,王 维2 1. 贵州中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心贵州 贵阳 550001 2. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642 
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      为探究不同采收时间对烤烟产质量的影响,以云烟87 为试验材料,通过大田试验,设置3 个 采收时间处理。结果表明:下部叶推迟2 d 采收,中部叶推迟3 d 采收,上部叶推迟4 d 采收对烤烟产质量 影响最大,可有效降低烤后烟叶总糖、糖碱比以及氮碱比;可显著提高中部叶中性香气物质成分类胡萝卜 素降解产物类、类西柏烷降解产物类、棕色化反应产物类、新植二烯含量,其中提高幅度分别为18.02%、 17.73%、7.82%、9.85%;烤后烟叶成熟度好,油分足,结构疏松,烟叶充分成熟无青杂烟出现,产量与均价 均有所增加。因此,通过适当推迟采收可以提高烟叶成熟度,协调烤烟内部化学成分含量,为优质烟叶的生 产提供技术支撑。
      In order to explore the effects of different harvest time on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, with Yunyan 87 as the test material,through field test,three harvest times were set. The results showed that the lower leaves were delayed for 2 days and the middle leaves were delayed for 3 days,the upper leaves delayed 4 days,which had the greatest effect on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco,which could effectively reduce the total sugar, sugar to nicotine and nitrogen to nicotine. The contents of carotenoid degradation products,the degradation products of cypressin,the products of brownation reaction and the content of new plant diene increased by 18.02%,17.73% and 7.82%,9.85%,respectively. The maturity of flue-cured tobacco was good,the oil was enough,the structure was loose,the tobacco leaves were fully matured and no smoky smoke appeared,and the yield and average price increased. Therefore,through the appropriate delay in harvest can improve tobacco maturation,coordination of fluecured tobacco internal chemical composition content for the production of high-quality tobacco.
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