肖自添,刘 明,何焕清,徐 江.蕉岭地区袋栽灵芝优良菌株筛选试验[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(7):19-24
查看全文    HTML 蕉岭地区袋栽灵芝优良菌株筛选试验
Screening of dominant strain in Ganoderma lingzhi cultivated in Jiaoling area
中文关键词: 孢子粉  袋栽  粗多糖  富硒  品种筛选
英文关键词: spore  bag cultivation  crude polysaccharide  selenium enriched  varieties screening
基金项目:广东省科技厅协同创新与平台环境建设项目(2014A070713009);广东省科技厅农村科技领域 计划项目(2015A02010076);广东省农业科学院院长基金(201607);广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所所长基金 (所-201504)
肖自添,刘 明,何焕清,徐 江 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所/ 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      立足蕉岭当地丰富杂木屑资源,筛选孢子粉产量高、品质好的优良菌株,为以采收孢子粉为目 的袋栽地区提供技术支持。分析比较了6 个灵芝菌株的生长情况、农艺性状、孢子粉及子实体产量、品质以 及效益等指标,筛选出优良菌株梅灵3 号。该菌株菌丝生长速度快(0.83 cm/d)、芝形好,孢子粉产量高, 达13.17 g/ 包,比对照梅灵2 号提高38.24%,孢子粉产量比子实体高41.39%,孢子粉粗多糖和硒含量分别 为0.59%、0.0832 mg/kg,比对照提高15.69% 和43.68%。每吨原材料产生的总产值比对照提高28.58%,收 益提高29.21%。试验结果表明梅灵3 号孢子粉产量高、品质好、综合收益高,适合在以采收孢子粉为主的 袋料栽培地区推广应用。
      To screen the suitable strain of Ganoderma lingzhi cultivated with bagging,six strains were employed for cultivation test. The suitable strain was selected base on the comprehensive analysis of growth situation, characteristics,yield,product quality and value. The results showed that the strain G. meiling NO.3 grew well and fast( 0.83 cm/d),produced the highest spore powder,yield reaching a mean of 13.17g/bag,38.24% higher than CK,and the spore yield was 41.39% higher than fruitbody. The spore crude polysaccharides content was 0.59%, selenium content was 0.0832 mg/kg,and 15.69% and 43.68% higher than CK respectively. The output and income were 28.58% and 29.21% higher than CK produced by one ton raw material. In conclusion,G. meiling NO.3 produces better yield,good quality and well benefit,is suitable to popularize in spore collection cultivated area using bagging cultivation technology.
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