邹玲俐,盘 波,黄仕训,丁 莉,邓 涛.广西特有植物阳朔报春苣苔野生居群状况及其保护[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(7):70-75
查看全文    HTML 广西特有植物阳朔报春苣苔野生居群状况及其保护
Status of natural population and conservation for Primulina yangshuoensis,a endemic plant in Guangxi
中文关键词: 苦苣苔科  阳朔报春苣苔  野生居群  濒危植物
英文关键词: Gesneriaceae  Primulina yangshuoensis  natural population  endangered plant
邹玲俐,盘 波,黄仕训,丁 莉,邓 涛 广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所广西 桂林 541006 
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      阳朔报春苣苔(Primulina yangshuoensis)是一种仅生长于阳朔岩溶石山上的苦苣苔科多年生 草本植物,观赏和药用价值高。为了解其野生居群状况,2013 年3 月至2017 年4 月对其地理分布、生境、 居群结构与更新、群落特点等进行全面调查研究。结果表明,阳朔报春苣苔野外仅发现一个居群,且个体 数量极少,处于极危状态,人类过渡采挖和对自然生态环境的破坏是阳朔报春苣苔濒危的一个重要原因, 其次是阳朔报春苣苔本身特殊的生物学特性限制了其种群的发展。针对其目前的生存状况,建议开展立法 保护与就地保护、野生植物资源保护宣传与科普教育、迁地保护和扩繁技术研究、回归引种与种群重建等 保护策略。
      Primulina yangshuoensis is a perennial herb of Gesneriaceae which specially grows in karst rock areas of Yangshuo county,has high ornamental and medicinal value. In order to understand the status of its wild population,we carried out a survey on geographical distribution,ecological environment,population structure and renewal,community characteristics of P. yangshuoensis from march 2013 to April 2017,The results showed that there was only one population in the wild,and the number of individuals was very small,the species was getting critically endangered. One of the most important reasons for the endangerment of P. yangshuoensis was the longterm mining and destruction of natural ecological environment by human,the second reason was that the special biological characteristics of the species itself inhibited the development of the population. According to the current survival status of the species,the article suggested that following protection strategies: legislative protection and in situ conservation,propaganda of the conservation and science education about the wild plant,ex situ conservation and study on propagation technology,reintroduction and reestablishment of the species populations.
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