查看全文    HTML 广州地区桑椹菌核病病原鉴定
Morphological and molecular identification of mulberry fruit sclerotiniose pathogen in Guangzhou
中文关键词: 桑椹菌核病  桑椹小粒性菌核病  形态鉴定  核糖体内转录间隔区
英文关键词: mulberry fruit sclerotiniose  mulberry sorosus parvulling sclerotiniose  morphological identification  internal transcribed spacer(ITS)
黄志君1,易辉玉1,李荣俏1,李林山2 1. 华南农业大学动物科学学院广东 广州 510642 2. 广东省蚕业技术推广中心广东 广州 510640 
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      桑椹菌核病是目前危害桑椹的主要真菌性病害,在广州地区桑园一直都有发生,由多年前主要 发生的肥大性菌核病变成小粒性菌核病,其菌核表面为大量的分生孢子和一些分生孢子梗,里面为相互交 叉致密的菌丝,培养后的菌核周围形成一层白色半透明的菌圈。使用真菌通用引物,由桑椹菌核病病果的 菌核DNA 扩增ITS,测序后进行Nucleotide BLAST 和进化分析,发现其与4 种桑椹菌核病病原菌中的肉阜 状杯盘菌(Ciboria carunculoides)序列相似度最高、亲缘关系最近,确认该小粒性桑椹菌核病病原为肉阜状 杯盘菌。
      Mulberry fruit sclerotiniose is the major fungal disease and becomes a serious threat to mulberry production. It often occurs in mulberry field of Guangzhou areas. And the harmful symptoms show that the major disease may change from mulberry sorosus hypertrophic sclerote disease to mulberry sorosus parvulling sclerote disease. In order to identify the pathogens of this disease,its morphological features were identified and the results showed that the suface of sclerotium had lots of conidia with some conidiophores and there were full of intersecting hyphae inside. When cultured on PDA media,a white and translucent zone was formed around the sclerotium. Moreover,the ITS conserved sequences of mulberry sorosus parvulling sclerote were analyzed and the results showed that the pathogen of mulberry sorosus parvulling sclerote disease was Ciboria carunculoides.
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