都兴洋,叶 丹,邓云侃,田月今,黄 宇.广东省禽肉出口现状与对策建议[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(7):168-172
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Current situation and proposals for Guangdong poultry export
中文关键词: 广东禽肉  黄鸡  水禽  出口贸易  生物安全隔离区
英文关键词: poultry industry in Guangdong  yellow feather broiler  waterfowl  export trade  compartment
都兴洋,叶 丹,邓云侃,田月今,黄 宇 广州出入境检验检疫局广东 广州 510623 
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      广东省作为禽肉生产和出口大省,有黄羽鸡占最大比重、水禽和乳鸽产量高的产业结构特点, 出口量每年都有小幅增长,占全国出口量的20%~30%。广东禽肉出口面临着出口市场狭窄,冰鲜冷冻禽肉 全部只能出口到港澳地区;出口产品结构单一,深加工制品占比只有15% 左右,远低于全国50% 左右的水 平;水禽及其产品和乳鸽出口数量少,没有占据应有的份额;出口受疫情疫病的困扰等一系列问题。针对存 在的问题,提出广东省业界和相关部门必须密切配合,加大国际市场开拓力度,扩大产品类型,丰富产品结 构,成立行业协会,建设无规定动物疫病区和生物安全隔离区等对策建议。
      Guangdong has a large poultry meat producing and export,the largest share is yellow feather broiler, the output of waterfowl and squab is high. Exports are increasing slightly every year,which account for 20-30 percent of the national amount. Guangdong’s export is faced with a series of problems,market is narrow,chilled and frozen meats are just exported to Hongkong and Macao;single product structure,the proportion of deep-processing products is just 15 percent,however the proportion of nation is 50 percent;squab,waterfowl and their products are exported in small quantities;epidemic disease bothered. According to the situation of poultry industry in Guangdong,some suggestions were put forward,including developing the international market,enriching the product structure,setting up industry associations,building avian disease free zone and compartment.
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