黄瑶珠,高旭华,陈明周,谢 东.全生物降解除草地膜覆盖在冬种马铃薯的应用效果研究[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(8):20-25
查看全文    HTML 全生物降解除草地膜覆盖在冬种马铃薯的应用效果研究
Application effect of truly biodegradable herbicidal mulching film in winter potato
中文关键词: 地膜  降解  除草  冬种马铃薯
英文关键词: mulching film  degradable  herbicidal  winter potato
黄瑶珠,高旭华,陈明周,谢 东 广东省生物工程研究所/ 广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东 广州 510316 
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      为了探讨全生物降解除草地膜在广东省冬种马铃薯的应用效果,2015 年在博罗县园洲镇采 用大田试验研究不同盖膜处理对马铃薯产量、品质及土壤养分的影响。结果表明,全生物降解除草膜覆盖 能显著促进马铃薯生长及提高产量,且不影响马铃薯的营养成分;全生物降解除草地膜处理块茎产量 (38 274.6 kg/hm2)和产值(146 092.0 元/hm2)最高,分别比不盖膜增产16.25%,增收15.29%;全生物 降解除草地膜具有显著除草效果及生物降解效果,不影响土壤养分,可取代普通地膜用于冬种马铃薯地 膜覆盖。
      In order to explore the application availability of truly biodegradable herbicidal mulching film (TBHMF) in winter potato in Guangdong province,three treatments were designed in the field experiment to probe into the effects of different mulching films on yield,quality of potato tuber and soil nutrients in Yuanzhou Town, Boluo County,in 2015. The results showed that the coverage of TBHMF can promote the growth,increase the yield and maintain the nutrients of winter potato tuber,both total tuber yield( 38 274.6 kg/hm2) and output value( 146 092.0 Yuan/hm2) were highest,being 16.25% and 15.29% higher than these in the open field. TBHMF has a remarkable herbicidal effect and biodegradability,which will not influence the soil nutrient. TBHMF can entirely replace common mulching film for the coverage of winter potato.
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