徐漫微1,邵 玲2,林培华3,梁 廉1,邓小满1,许圆弟1,梁广坚1.德庆紫淮山地方品种资源农艺性状及其营养成分比较[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(8):40-46
查看全文    HTML 德庆紫淮山地方品种资源农艺性状及其营养成分比较
Comparison of agronomic characters and nutritional components of different purple yam resources in Deqing,Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 紫淮山  种质资源  农艺性状  品质性状  广东德庆
英文关键词: purple yam  germplasm resource  agronomic characteristics  quality properties  Deqing county Guangdong Province
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31201142);广东省大学生科技创新培育专项(pdjh2017b0553);广东省大学生 创新训练计划项目(201710580074)
徐漫微1,邵 玲2,林培华3,梁 廉1,邓小满1,许圆弟1,梁广坚1 1. 肇庆学院生命科学学院广东 肇庆 526061 2. 肇庆学院食品与制药工程学院广东 肇庆 526061 3. 德庆县农业技术推广中心广东 肇庆 526600 
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      对德庆县回龙、马圩和官圩镇的淮山品种进行收集,综合评价了8 个淮山种质的农艺性状及 其营养、贮存性能。结果表明:德庆淮山农家品种较多(6 个紫肉系,2 个白肉系),以龙头作种,生长期 约6~7 个月,春夏两季均可种植。紫肉系淮山为高产品系,其中DJH、HDZ 为高产品种。冬季白肉系淮山 (DJB 和HXB)的生长势较紫肉系(HXZ 和DZ)强,茎、叶的植物学性状共性较多。紫肉系淮山的蛋白 质、膳食纤维、淀粉含量普遍高于白肉系,花青素苷含量是白肉淮山的3.46~3.51 倍,块茎切面抗氧化性较 好,薯肉紫色泽依次为HDZ>GZ>DZ>DJH>GEH>HXZ。通过对各淮山块茎硬度值的评估,紫肉系淮山具有 更好的保水性和耐贮性。本研究有利于合理布局德庆紫淮山的错峰种植,为选育当地优良的淮山种质提供 科学依据。
      Comprehensive evaluation on agronomic characters,nutrition and storage performance of 8 kinds of yams from the town of Huilong,Maxu and Guanxu in Deqing,Guangdong was conducted. The results indicated that Deqing have many farm varieties of yam( 6 purple flesh varieties and 2 white flesh varieties). The upper ends of the tuber as the seeds were sowed in spring or summer,and their growth period was about 6 to 7 months. The purple flesh was a high-producing lines,the yams DJH and HDZ were productive varieties. In winter,the growth potential of white flesh varieties( DJB and HXB),was more luxuriant than the purple yams( HXZ and DZ). Many common botanical characters in stems and leaves were shared among them. Protein,dietary fiber and starch content of the purple yams were generally higher than those of the white yams,and the anthocyanin content was 34.6-3.51 times of white yams,the anti-oxidative properties of tuber were better. The purple flesh color of tuber sorted as follows: HDZ>GZ>DZ>DJH>GEH>HXZ. Through the evaluation on hardness of tuber in the varieties yams,it showed that the purple yams had better water retention and storability. This study is conducive to the rational layout planting peak of Deqing purple yams,to provide scientific basis for the breeding of excellent local yam germplasm.
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