查看全文    HTML 美拉德反应时间对烟草花蕾发酵液挥发性香味成分的影响
Effects of Maillard reaction time on volatile aroma components in tobacco bud fermentation broth
中文关键词: 产香酵母  美拉德反应  烟草花蕾  优化  主成分分析
英文关键词: Saccharomyces cerevisiae  Maillard reaction  tobacco bud  optimization  principal component analysis
刘绍华1,白家峰1,冉盼盼2,马扩彦3,许春平2 1. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心广西 南宁 530001 2. 郑州轻工业学院食品与生物工程学院河南 郑州 450000 3. 重庆中烟工业有限责任公司技术研发中心重庆 400060 
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      为研究不同美拉德反应时间对烟草花蕾发酵液挥发性香味成分的影响,烟草花蕾经高活性产 香酵母发酵后,通过时间调控优化美拉德反应制备烟用香料,并对此香料进行主成分分析以及加香评吸。 结果表明:经同时蒸馏萃取提取,美拉德反应8 h 样品香味物质有45 种,反应12 h 样品香味物质有38 种, 反应16 h 样品香味物质有45 种,反应20 h 样品香味物质有42 种,主要包括醇、醛、酸、酯、酮、呋喃和吡 啶等。烟草花蕾发酵液经不同美拉德反应时间处理后香味成分主成分分析可知,美拉德反应时间8、12、20 h 样品的香味成分有显著差异,美拉德反应时间16、12 h 样品的香味成分无显著差异。美拉德反应时间12 h 的样品对空白烟进行加香评吸的效果最佳。
      In order to investigate the effects of Maillard reaction time on the aroma of tobacco bud fermentation broth,the tobacco flavor was prepared and optimized by Maillard reaction time control after the tobacco bud was fermented by high-active aroma-producing yeast,and the flavor was analyzed by principal component analysis and sensory evaluation. The results showed that: by simultaneous distillation and extraction,the kind of aroma components in the flavor sample of 8 h Maillard reaction was 45,and the kind of aroma components in the flavor sample of 12 h Maillard reaction was 38,and the kind of aroma components in the flavor sample of 16 h Maillard reaction was 45,and the kind of aroma components in the flavor sample of 20 h Maillard reaction was 42,including alcohols, aldehydes,acids and esters,ketones,furans and pyridine etc. After the tobacco bud fermentation broth treated by Maillard reaction with different time,flavor components were analyzed by principal component analysis and it showed that there were significant differences among three samples of aroma components of Maillard reaction time of 8 h, 12 h,and 20 h,and no significant difference among three samples of aroma components of Maillard reaction time between 16 h,and 12 h. By sensory evaluation,it showed that by flavoring into blank cigarette,the sample of aroma components of Maillard reaction time of 12 h was the best.
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