熊 燕1,徐 斌2,张细权3,舒鼎铭2.岭南黄鸡不同配套系种蛋孵化失重率比较[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(8):113-119
查看全文    HTML 岭南黄鸡不同配套系种蛋孵化失重率比较
Comparison of hatching weight loss of egg from different parents stocks of Linnan yellow broiler
中文关键词: 岭南黄鸡  种蛋  孵化  失重
英文关键词: Lingnan yellow brolier  hatching egg  hatch  weight loss
熊 燕1,徐 斌2,张细权3,舒鼎铭2 1. 广东省农科院农业科研试验示范场/ 农业部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 广东省农科院动物科学研究所广东 广州 510640 3. 华南农业大学动物科学学院广东 广州 510642 
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      通过对岭南黄鸡快长型、中速型、慢速型、麻黄、矮脚黄5 个配套系父母代种鸡的种蛋孵化失 重情况进行比较,评价种蛋孵化失重对孵化成绩的影响。结果表明:在孵化机温度37.8℃、相对湿度56%, 出雏机温度36.8℃、相对湿度65% 的恒温恒湿孵化条件下,5 个配套系种蛋第1~6 阶段(每3 d 为1 个 阶段)及0~18 d 的平均失重率范围是1.859%±0.047%~2.039%±0.044%、1.584%±0.027%~1.981% ±0.056%、1.927%±0.037%~2.266%±0.067%、1.764%±0.053%~2.216%±0.062%、1.865%± 0.036%~2.259%±0.059%、1.849%±0.057%~2.271%±0.064%、10.571%±0.176%~12.296%±0.301%。配 套系和蛋重区间相同,孵化阶段只在部分情况下对失重率有显著影响,其中第2 阶段的失重率显著偏低; 孵化阶段相同,配套系内不同蛋重区间的失重率仅慢速型最小蛋与小、较小蛋存在显著差异,其他配套系 的蛋重对失重率影响不显著,4 个配套系种蛋的18 d 失重率趋势是大蛋失重率小,小蛋失重率大,而矮脚黄 的情况正好与之相反;孵化阶段和蛋重区间相同,配套系对孵化0~18 d 失重率的影响不显著。
      This study was conducted to compare the hatching weight loss of yellow chicken eggs among the five parents stocks. The eggs from five parents stocks of Linnan yellow broiler( rapid growth,middle growth,slow growth,mahuang,aijiaohuang) were used in this experiment. The results showed that the average range of weight loss from the five parents stocks at 1-6 stages(3 days as one stage) and 0-18 days was 1.859%±0.047-2.039% ±0.044%,1.584%±0.027-1.981%±0.056%,1.927%±0.037-2.266%±0.067%,1.764%±0.053-2.216% ±0.062%,1.865%±0.036-2.259%±0.059%,1.849%±0.057-2.271%±0.064%,10.571%±0.176-12.296% ±0.301% under the following conditions: the temperature of incubator and hatchertray machine was 37.8℃ and 36.8℃respectively,the relative humidity of incubator and hatchertray machine was 56% and 65% respectively. In the same stocks and egg weight range,the incubation stage only affect weight loss rate in some cases and the weight loss rate of the second stage was significantly lower. In the same stocks and hatch stage but different egg weight ranges, the weight loss rate of slow growth type was different among the smallest,the smaller,the relative smaller eggs, others were not different. In addition,the egg weight loss rate of 0-18 days decreased with egg weight increasing of 4 stocks while the yellow dwarf chicken was opposite. In the same hatch stage and egg weight range,the effect of stock on weight loss rate in 0-18 days was not significant.
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