黄金华.秃杉中龄人工林凋落物量8 年动态特征[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(9):56-62
查看全文    HTML 秃杉中龄人工林凋落物量8 年动态特征
Dynamics of litter production in a middle-aged Taiwania cryptomerioides plantation over an 8-year period
中文关键词: 秃杉  人工林  凋落物生物量
英文关键词: Taiwania cryptomerioides  plantation  litter production
黄金华 福建省洋口国有林场福建 顺昌 353211 
摘要点击次数: 1924
全文下载次数: 717
      在福建顺昌15 年生秃杉人工林中设置凋落物框,连续8 年每月收集凋落物并测定凋落物量, 结果表明:造林后第16~23 年的秃杉人工林凋落物年产量介于3.529~5.526 t/hm2 之间,年均凋落物量 4.166(±0.222)t/hm2。年凋落物量(y)总体上随着林龄(x)的增加而递增。凋落物中的秃杉叶加带叶 小枝(直径≤ 0.6 cm)、秃杉大枝(直径>0.6 cm)、林下植物的叶、杂物(虫粪、林下植物花果以及难以 识别的其他植物成分)、林下其他木本植物的枝、树皮和花果分别占凋落物总生物量的94.642%、2.756%、 1.517%、0.747%、0.211%、0.124% 和0.004%。秃杉落花落果仅在造林后第17 年2 月收集到,当年生物量仅 为0.001 t/hm2。秃杉人工林月凋落量在5~8 月出现峰值,最大峰值出现在6 月;各季节凋落量则以夏季凋 落量最大,冬季凋落量最小。
      Litter traps were set up in a 15-year-old Taiwania cryptomerioides plantation to collect litterfall at monthly intervals over an 8-year period in Shunchang,Fujian,China. Annual litter production of the T. cryptomerioides plantation varied from 3.529 t/hm2 to 5.526 t/hm2 at age 16 to 23 years and the mean value was 4.166 ±0.222( SE) t/hm2. Annual litterfall production( y) increased with plantation age( x) and it could be described by a quadratic equation: y = -0.0129x2 + 0.7004x - 4.5002( R2 = 0.5892,P = 0.108). Litter of leaves plus twigs (diameter ≤ 0.6 cm) of T. cryptomerioides,branched( diameter >0.6 cm) of T. cryptomerioides,understory leaves, miscellaneous materials( insect faeces,reproductive organs of understory and unidentified plant parts),understory branches of woody plants,stem bark and reproductive organs contributed to 94.642%,2.756%,1.517%,0.747%, 0.211%,0.124% and 0.004% of the total annual litterfall,respectively. Reproductive litter of T. cryptomerioides was only found in February at age 17 years with biomass only 0.001 t/hm2. The peaks of litter occurred in May to August with the major peak in June. The highest litterfall occurred in summer and the lowest in winter.
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