王念磊1,何宽信1,刘 勇1,邵雪莲2,叶为民3,焦绍赫1,刘润生2,张海伟1.下部叶不同处理方式对均衡烟株营养的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(10):6-12
查看全文    HTML 下部叶不同处理方式对均衡烟株营养的影响
Effects of different treatment methods on the balanced of nutrition in flue-cured tobacco plants
中文关键词: 烤烟  不适用鲜烟叶  打叶时间  打叶数量  营养
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  unusable fresh leaf  the time of removing  the number of removing  nutrition
王念磊1,何宽信1,刘 勇1,邵雪莲2,叶为民3,焦绍赫1,刘润生2,张海伟1 1. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 330025 2. 赣州市烟草公司瑞金分公司江西 瑞金 342500 3. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东 广州 510385 
摘要点击次数: 2013
全文下载次数: 828
      为研究下部叶不同处理方式对烟株营养分配的影响,以烤烟品种云烟87 为试验材料,2014 年 在赣州市瑞金基地单元科技示范园开展田间试验。结果表明:相同处理时间,摘除2~3 片叶处理叶片发育 较好,产量、产值、上等烟比例、上中等烟比例显著高于其他处理,常规化学成分更趋协调,感官评吸质量 得分较高;处理叶片数相同的情况下,以打顶当天处理各指标表现较好。综上分析,在打顶当天打掉2~3 片下部叶更能均衡烟株营养,优化烟叶等级结构,提高烟叶的产量品质。
      Taking flue-cured tobacco varieties YY87 as the tested material,field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different treatment methods on nutrition distribution of tobacco plants in Ruijin base unit of Ganzhou in 2014. The results showed that removing 2 or 3 leaves in the same processing time,the leafs development of Flue-cured tobacco were better,the yield,output value,the proportion of hidher grade tobacco,the proportion of higher and medium tobacco were significantly higher than other treatments,the chemical composition was more coordinated,and the sensory evaluation quality scored higher;Removing the same number of leaves on the day in multi-topping,the indexes of flue-cured tobacco performed better. To sum up,removing 2 or 3 leaves on the day in multi-topping is better to balance the nutrition of tobacco plant,optimize the structure of tobacco leaves and improve the output value and yield quality of tobacco leaves.
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