陈 栋,刘鹏凌.安徽省肉牛养殖效益影响因素分析[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(10):136-140
查看全文    HTML 安徽省肉牛养殖效益影响因素分析
Analysis on the factors influencing benefit of beef cattle breeding in Anhui province
中文关键词: 安徽省  肉牛养殖  经济效益  单位根检验  协整检验  影响因素
英文关键词: Anhui province  beef cattle breeding  economic benefit  unit root test  co-integration test  influencing factors
陈 栋,刘鹏凌 安徽农业大学经济管理学院安徽 合肥 230036 
摘要点击次数: 1768
全文下载次数: 671
      根据1995—2015 年安徽省各地市肉牛养殖情况及调研数据分析肉牛养殖的效益与其主要影响 因素之间的关系,发现肉牛出栏量和平均每头牛出售价格是促进肉牛养殖效益提高的关键因素,而物质与 服务费用是阻碍肉牛养殖效益增长的主要因素。基于此提出采取推进肉牛养殖的适度规模经营,推进组织 创新和经营模式创新,完善肉牛产业链提升价值链等措施来提高肉牛养殖主体的养殖效益。
      This paper analyzed the relationship between beef cattle breeding benefit and its main influencing factors according to beef cattle breeding and research data from 1995 to 2015 in Anhui province. The results show that cattle slaughter volume and average selling price per cow is a key factor to improve the breeding benefit of beef cattle,and the material and service costs are the main factors hindering the growth of beef cattle breeding benefit. Therefore,measures should be taken to promote the appropriate scale management of beef cattle breeding,to promote organizational innovation and management mode innovation,to improve beef industry chain,to enhance the value chain and other measures to improve the benefit of beef cattle breeding subjects.
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