邓会栋1,2,郭利军1,2,范鸿雁1,2,罗志文1,2,华 敏1.不同植物生长调节剂对琼中绿橙落果及果实品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(11):32-37
查看全文    HTML 不同植物生长调节剂对琼中绿橙落果及果实品质的影响
Effects of plant growth regulators on fruit drop and quality of Qiongzhong green orange
中文关键词: 植物生长调节剂  琼中绿橙  保果  落果率  外观  品质
英文关键词: plant growth regulators  Qiongzhong green orange  fruit drop preventing  fruit drop rate  exterior  quality
邓会栋1,2,郭利军1,2,范鸿雁1,2,罗志文1,2,华 敏1 1. 海南省农业科学院热带果树研究所/ 海南省热带果树育种工程技术研究中心/ 海南省热带果树生物学重点实验室海南 海口 571100 2. 农业部海口热带果树科学观测实验站海南 海口 571100 
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      为研究植物生长调节剂对琼中绿橙落果及果实品质的影响,以长势均匀的10 年生绿橙为试 材,于幼果第1 次、第2 次生理落果前叶面喷施6 种植物生长调节剂,调查处理后落果率,果实成熟后测定 果实品质。结果表明:6 种植物生长调节剂不同程度影响了绿橙落果和果实品质。落果率方面,喷施花果灵 后绿橙落果率为11.73%,其次是绿丰宝和防落素,落果率分别为24.84% 和26.96%,保果效果均优于其他 处理和对照。外观指标方面,6 个处理均能有效提高单果重、降低果皮厚度、改善果实外观,以花果灵处理 单果重最大、达139.0 g,比对照高22.47%;绿丰宝处理果皮厚度最小、为2.60 mm,比对照低35.96%;绿丰 宝处理果实的果皮L 值、b 值分别为57.32、47.16,显著高于其他处理和对照。内在品质方面,除绿丰宝外, 其他处理均使果汁可溶性固形物含量降低、可滴定酸含量提高;全树果和赤霉酸处理后维生素C 含量显著 高于其他处理和对照。综合分析,防落素和绿丰宝处理组保果效果好,且对绿橙品质影响最小,可作为赤霉 酸的有效替代剂。
      In order to study the effects of plant growth regulators on fruit drop and quality of Qiongzhong green orange,six kinds of plant growth regulators were sprayed on the leaves before the first and second physiological fruit drop. The fruit drop rate of green orange was investigated pre-harvesting and the fruit quality was detected after fruit ripening. The results showed that six kinds of plant growth regulators affected the fruit drop and quality on varying degrees. The fruit drop rate was 11.73% after spraying Huaguoling,followed by Lv-fengbao and Antifalling element’s 24.84% and 26.96%,respectively. Both were superior to other treatments and control on fruit drop preventing. About the effects of six treatments on the exterior parameters,the weight and size of fruits were improved, while the thickness of peel was reduced. The fruit weight of Huaguoling treatment was the largest,reaching 139.0 g, 22.47% higher than that of the control. The thickness of peel of Lv-fengbao treatment was the least,which was 2.60 mm,35.96% lower than that of the control. The L value and b value of Lv-fengbao treatment were 57.32 and 47.16, respectively,significantly higher than those of other treatments and control. In terms of intrinsic quality,treatments except for Lv-fengbao treatment,reduced the content of soluble solids in juice and increased the content of acid, and the content of vitamin C was significantly higher than other treatments and control after spraying Quanshuguo and Gibberellic acid. Taking together,the treatments of Anti-falling element and Lv-fengbao were better than the others on fruit drop preventing,and had no negative effect on quality,and therefor could be used as the effective substitute for Gibberellic acid.
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