查看全文    HTML 博斯腾湖水质时空变化特征
The spatial and temporal characteristics of water quality in Bosten Lake
中文关键词: 博斯腾湖  水质  时空变化
英文关键词: Bosten Lake  water quality  spatial and temporal change
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U1503187);“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题(2015BAD07B03-03);新疆 自治区科技支撑计划项目(201331125)
娜仁格日乐1,王慧杰2 1. 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州博斯腾湖研究所新疆 巴音郭楞 841000 2. 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州环境保护局新疆 巴音郭楞 841000 
摘要点击次数: 2205
全文下载次数: 1030
      基于博斯腾湖大湖区内17 个固定采样点2000—2017 年监测数据,分析近18 年博斯腾湖水 质的动态变化特征,并采用普通克里金差值和Pearson 相关性检验分析博斯腾湖8 种水质指标的空间分 布特征及相关性。结果表明:(1)2000—2010 年博斯腾湖8 种水质指标含量呈上升趋势,水质逐渐恶化; 2010—2017 年,虽然博斯腾湖水位逐渐下降,但博斯腾湖水质逐年回升,截至2017 年博斯腾湖生化需氧 量、溶解氧、总磷达到Ⅰ类标准,氨氮达到Ⅱ类标准,高锰酸盐指数、总氮达到Ⅲ类标准,化学需氧量为Ⅳ 类标准,矿化度属于微咸水类;(2)通过Pearson 相关性分析可知,博斯腾湖湖水总磷与总氮呈极显著负相 关,氨氮与总氮呈极显著正相关;(3)通过普通克里金差值分析可知,博斯腾湖水质存在空间分布极为不 均的情况,其西北部和东南部水质指标含量较高,湖中心区和西南部水质指标含量较低。建议改变博斯腾 湖的出水口,以便利于博斯腾湖的水体循环。
      Bosten is the largest inland freshwater lake in our country,which is located in the arid region. Based on the monitoring data of 17 fixed sampling points in the great lakes area from 2000 to 2017,this paper analyzed the dynamic change characteristics of the water quality in nearly 18 years,and studied the spatial distribution of 8 water quality index by using Ordinary Kriging interpolation,and then discussed the correlation of these index by using Pearson correlation test. The results showed that :(1) In 2000-2010,the content of 8 water quality index increased, and water quality deteriorated. However,the water level gradually decreased,the water quality index decreased year by year. BOD,DO,TP reached Ⅰ class standard by 2017;NH3-N reached Ⅱ class standard;Permanganate index,TN reached Ⅲ class standard;CODMn reached Ⅳ class standard,and TDS was brackish water.(2) Through the Pearson correlation analysis,the correlation of TP and TN was significant negative( P<0.01),the correlation of NH3-N and TN was extremely significant positive( P<0.01).(3) By Ordinary Kriging interpolation,the spatial distribution of water quality in Bosten Lake was extremely uneven. The content of water quality index was higher in northwest and southeast,while the content was lower in central and southwest. Based on this,this paper suggested changing the outlet of Bosten lake to improve the water circulation.
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