查看全文    HTML 新时期农民专业合作社在脱贫中的地位与作用——基于贫困户满意度测评
Position and role of farmers' professional cooperatives in poverty alleviation in the new period—Based on the measurement of satisfaction degree of poor households
中文关键词: 农民专业合作社  贫困户  效度与信度检测  结构方程模型
英文关键词: farmers' professional cooperatives  poor households  validity and reliability test  structural equation model
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71163013,71563015);江西省2017 年度研究生创新专项资金(YC2017-S219)
胡平波,冯丽晓 江西财经大学统计学院江西 南昌 330000 
摘要点击次数: 1729
全文下载次数: 737
      农民专业合作社是新时期农民群众顺应农村生产力发展要求的重大创造和农业产业化经营的 创新组织,研究贫困户视角下合作社对于脱贫的地位与作用,具有理论与现实意义。在江西省萍乡市进行 实地问卷调查,选取4 个潜变量、14 个可测变量,结合信度和效度检测以及结构方程模型,评价了农民专 业合作社对于贫困户脱贫的重要作用。最终在结构方程总效应模型下得出合作社经济能力、技术力量以及 制度建设对贫困户收入、满意度和积极性具有显著性统计意义,而管理者文化水平对于贫困户的满意度测 评指标未通过显著性检验,并提出相应建议与对策。
      Farmers' professional cooperative is an innovative organization for farmers to conform to the requirements of rural productivity development and agricultural industrialization in the new period,is also the organizer of the farmers' entry into the market. Therefore,it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the position and role of cooperatives for poverty alleviation under the perspective of poor households. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Pingxiang city of Jiangxi province,4 latent variables and 14 measurable variables were combined with reliability and validity test and structural equation model to evaluate the important role of farmers' professional cooperatives in poverty alleviation. According to the results of total effect of structural equation model,the cooperative economy ability,technical force and system construction had significant significance on poor household income,satisfaction and motivation,and the management level for the cultural satisfaction index of poor households did not pass the significance test. At last,corresponding suggestions and countermeasures were put forward.
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