钟铭隆1,付晓凤2,朱 原3,王艺锦2,胡 倩2,王凌晖2,滕维超2.酸铝胁迫下NO 对土沉香幼苗生长特性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(12):20-26
查看全文    HTML 酸铝胁迫下NO 对土沉香幼苗生长特性的影响
Effects of NO on growth characteristics of Aquilaria sinensis seedlings under acid-aluminum stress
中文关键词: 土沉香  一氧化氮  酸铝胁迫  硝普纳  缓解效应
英文关键词: Aquilaria sinensis  NO  acid-Al stress  SNP  relieve effects
基金项目:广西林业科技项目(桂林科字[2012] 第27 号,桂林科字[2012] 第25 号)
钟铭隆1,付晓凤2,朱 原3,王艺锦2,胡 倩2,王凌晖2,滕维超2 1. 广西国有博白林场广西 博白 5376002. 广西大学林学院广西 南宁 530004 3. 四川农业大学风景园林学院四川 成都 611130 
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      采用盆栽完全随机设计,研究NO 对酸铝胁迫下土沉香幼苗生长的缓解作用。结果表明:土沉 香幼苗株高、地径、比叶重、生物量、根系等生长指标均随Al 浓度的增加呈先上升后下降趋势,浓度在0.4 mmol/L 以下的Al 溶液对土沉香幼苗生长有一定促进作用,随着Al 浓度继续增加,对土沉香幼苗生长产生 抑制作用。综合分析表明,以0.2 mmol/L 的Al 浓度促进作用最为明显,若施加超过0.4 mmol/L 继续增加Al 浓度则会对土沉香幼苗生长产生明显的抑制作用,施加0.8 mmol/L Al 溶液长势最差。而添加0.1 mmol/L 硝 普纳(SNP)可在一定程度上缓解Al 胁迫对土沉香幼苗生长的抑制影响,其中处理7(0.2 mmol/L Al+0.1 mmol/L SNP)长势最优,株高、地径、生物量分别为0.69 m、0.48 cm、39.00 g,根系指标中总根长、根平均 直径、根表面积、根总体积、根尖数依次为3 750 mm、0.805 cm、800 mm2、12.8 cm3、6 000 个;而处理5(0.8 mmol/L Al+0 mmol/L SNP)各指标值均最小,株高、地径、生物量依次为0.28 m、0.18 cm、26.30 g,根系指标即 总根长、根平均直径、根表面积、根总体积、根尖数依次为1 380 mm、0.570 cm、320 mm2、6.00 cm3、2 550 个。
      Using potted plants completely random design,the effect of NO on the growth of Aquilaria sinensis seedlings under acid-aluminum( Al) stress was studied. The results showed that A. sinensis seedlings,growth indexes such as seedling height,ground diameter,biomass,stem,specific leaf weight,root growth indices displayed a downward trend after rising first. Concentration below 0.4 mmol/L aluminum solution for Aquilaria sinensis seedling growth had a certain role in promoting,with aluminum concentration increasing,the seedling growth of trees was inhibited. Comprehensive analysis showed that the promotion effect of 0.2 mmol / L of Al was most obvious. When the concentration of aluminum increased to more than 0.4 mmol/L,there was a significant inhibitory effect on A. sinensis seedlings growth,the effect of 0.8 mmol/L aluminum solution was the worst. The addition of 0.1 mmol/L SNP could alleviate the effect of aluminum stress on the inhibition of seedling growth. The results showed that the growth of treatment 7( 0.2 mmol / L Al,0.1 mmol / L SNP) was the best,plant height,diameter,biomass were 0.69 m,0.48 cm,39.00 g,the total root length,root mean diameter,root surface area,root total volume and root tip number of root system were 3 750 mm,0.805 cm,800 mm2,12.8 cm3 and 6 000. While treatment 5( 0.8 mmol / L Al,0 mmol / L SNP) obtained the minimum,the plant height,diameter and biomass were 0.28 m,0.18 cm and 26.30 g, respectively,the root indexes were 1 380 mm,0.570 cm,320 mm2 and 6.00 cm3,2 550.
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