邱继水,林志雄,潘建平,陆育生,常晓晓,彭 程.花期调亏灌溉对枇杷生长结果的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(12):33-38
查看全文    HTML 花期调亏灌溉对枇杷生长结果的影响
Effect of regulated deficit irrigation at flowering stage on growth and fruit setting of loquat
中文关键词: 枇杷  调亏灌溉  坐果期  生长势  果实产量
英文关键词: loquat  regulated deficit irrigation  fruit setting period  growth potential  fruit yield
邱继水,林志雄,潘建平,陆育生,常晓晓,彭 程 广东省农业科学院果树研究所/ 农业部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室 / 广东省热带亚热带果树研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      为了研究枇杷花期调亏灌溉对坐果期生长势和成熟期果实产量的影响,提出最佳调亏灌溉制 度,以大田14~15 年生的早钟6 号枇杷为材料,采用局部滴灌的方式,花期给予不同梯度灌水量和灌水周 期进行调亏灌溉处理,以不灌水为对照,调查坐果期树体生长势和果实成熟期产量指标。结果显示:花期每 隔15 d 调亏灌溉1 次,随着灌水量增加,坐果期枝条脱叶率呈显著递减趋势、叶片叶绿素相对含量呈显著 递增趋势,果实成熟期枝条叶片存活率呈极显著递增趋势、皱缩果率呈极显著递减趋势、平均单果重量呈 显著递增趋势,考虑节水因素,每次灌水45 kg/株时,枇杷坐果期枝条有较多的叶片、叶片有较高的叶绿素 含量,果实成熟期皱缩果率低、单果大,是最佳调亏灌溉量;花期每次灌水45 kg/株,灌水周期越长或不灌 水,坐果期叶片脱落率越高,灌水周期8 d,节水同时却能保持枇杷坐果枝条不脱叶,是最佳调亏灌溉周期。 本研究认为,枇杷花期调亏灌溉,增强了坐果期枇杷生长势,增加了果实成熟期产量,最佳调亏灌溉制度是 8 d 灌水1 次、每次灌水45 kg/株,可显著减少叶片脱落、增加单果重、减少皱缩果比例。
      In order to study the effect of regulated deficit irrigation at flowering stage on loquat growth and fruit yield,the optimal regulated deficit irrigation system was put forward. 14-15 years’ old‘ Zaozhong6hao’ loquat trees in field were used as materials,and local drip irrigation method was applied. The regulated deficit irrigation system was carried out by giving different gradient irrigation quantity and different irrigation period at flowering stage. The trees without irrigation were used as control. The growth potential of loquat tree in fruit setting period and yield indexes at fruit maturing stage were investigated. Results showed that in the treatment of 1 time irrigation per 15 d at flowering stage,with the increase of irrigation quantity,the defoliation rate of branch in fruit setting period obviously decreased,while the relative content of chlorophyll in leaves increased obviously;and the leaf survival rate in fruit maturing period showed an obvious increasing trend,while the wrinkle fruit rate decreased obviously, and the average single fruit weight increased. Consideration of water saving,when irrigating 45 kg water per tree every time,less defoliation rate and higher chlorophyll content of leaves were detected during fruit setting period than other treatments,meanwhile less wrinkle fruit rate and larger single fruit were investigated in fruit maturing period;It showed that 45 kg water per tree was the best irrigation amount. When irrigating 45 kg water per tree every time,the 8d irrigation interval was the best treatment with less defoliation rate than contorl;while the longer the irrigation interval, the higher defoliation rate in fruit setting period. This study suggested that the regulated deficit irrigation at flowering stage enhanced the growth potential of loquat tree in fruit setting period and increased fruit yield at fruit maturing stage, and the optimal regulated deficit irrigation system was irrigating once with 45 kg water per tree every 8 days.
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