徐一兰,刘唐兴,付爱斌,李益锋,皮 俊,黄新杰.不同土壤耕作模式对双季稻植株生物学特性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(1):1-8
查看全文    HTML 不同土壤耕作模式对双季稻植株生物学特性的影响
Effects of different soil tillage practices on biological characteristics and grain yield of rice in double croppingrice field
中文关键词: 水稻  土壤耕作  叶面积指数  干物质  产量
英文关键词: rice  soil tillage  leaf area index  dry matter  grain yield
基金项目:湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(16C0939);湖南省自然科学基金(2017JJ3133);湖南生物机电职业技 术学院科学研究项目(15YX10)
徐一兰,刘唐兴,付爱斌,李益锋,皮 俊,黄新杰 湖南生物机电职业技术学院湖南 长沙 410127 
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全文下载次数: 914
      土壤耕作方式是影响稻田土壤物理性状和水稻产量的关键因素,以双季稻种植模式为研究 对象,分析了双季水稻免耕(NT)、双季水稻翻耕(MP)、双季水稻旋耕(RT)、早稻旋耕- 晚稻免耕 (RT–NT)和早稻旋耕- 晚稻翻耕(RT–MP)5 种不同土壤耕作措施对双季稻植株生物学特性及产量 的影响。结果表明:早稻和晚稻各个主要生育时期,各处理植株叶面积指数表现依次为早稻MP>RT>RTNT> RT-MP>NT,晚稻MP>RT-MP>RT>RT-NT>NT。其中,早稻各生育时期,MP 处理植株的根系、茎、叶和 穗干重均高于其他处理,均表现为MP > RT > RT-NT > RT-MP>NT;晚稻各生育时期,MP、RT-MP 处 理植株根系、茎和穗干重均显著高于NT,均表现为MP > RT-MP > RT-NT>RT > NT;MP、RT、RT-NT、 RT-MP 处理早稻产量比NT 分别增加681.3、395.9、248.1、210.0 kg/hm2,晚稻产量比NT 分别增加880.3、 495.5、99.1、710.1 kg/hm2。说明不同土壤耕作模式下水稻植株干物质积累和产量有各自特征,以土壤翻耕和 旋耕方式下水稻植株干物质总量大而且分配合理,有利于改善产量构成因素,增加水稻产量。
      Soil tillage practices are the key factor affecting soil physical properties in paddy field and grain yield of rice. Therefore,the variation of plant biological characteristics and grain yield of early rice and late rice under different soil tillage practices were studied by using field experiments,which providing theoretical for choose reasonable soil tillage measures to obtain higher grain yield in double-cropping rice area. The biological characteristics of plant,grain yield of early rice and late rice were analyzed under no–tillage( NT),moldboard plowing( MP),rotary tillage( RT),RT–NT and RT–MP during early rice and late rice growing season in this paper. The results showed that the leaf area index of rice were in a trend of MP>RT>RT-NT>RT-MP>NT and MP>RT-MP>RT>RT-NT>NT at different growth stages of early rice and late rice,respectively. The dry weight of root,stem,leaves and panicle with MP was significantly higher than that of other treatments at different growth stages of early rice. And the dry weight of root,stem,leaves and panicle were in a trend of MP > RT > RT-NT > RTMP> NT at different growth stages of early rice. Meanwhile,the dry weight of root,stem and panicle with MP and RT MP was significantly higher than that of NT at different growth stages of late rice. And the dry weight of root,stem and panicle were MP > RT-MP > RT-NT>RT > NT at different growth stages of late rice. Compared with NT, the grain yield of early rice and late rice with MP,RT,RT-NT and RT-MP increased by 681.3,395.9,248.1, 210.0 kg/hm2 and 880.3,495.5,99.1,710.1 kg/hm2,respectively,indicating the dry matter accumulation and grain yield of early rice and late rice with different soil tillage practices have their own characteristics. Compared with NT, MP and RT had significantly higher total dry matter accumulation and its reasonable distribution,and improved grain yield and yield components of rice.
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