罗亚红,罗春芳,杨 龙,欧珍贵,郭春运.葛根育苗技术与移栽成活率关系研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(1):16-20
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Research on the relationship between nursery technique and survival rate of transplanted seedlings ofRadix Puerariae
中文关键词: 葛根  插条处理  育苗技术  移栽成活率  发芽率
英文关键词: Pueraria  cane processing  breeding technique  transplanting survival rate
基金项目:贵州省科技厅中药现代化专项(黔科合成字[2013]5013 号);贵州省黔西南州科技计划项目 (2016-1-12);贵州省人才基地项目(黔人领发[2016]22 号)
罗亚红,罗春芳,杨 龙,欧珍贵,郭春运 贵州省农业科学院亚热带作物研究所贵州 兴义 562400 
摘要点击次数: 2271
全文下载次数: 889
      针对葛根生产中苗木混乱、成活率低的问题,进行不同品种、不同育苗方法及其对苗木移栽成 活率影响研究。结果表明:QS08-1、赣葛1 号葛头育苗发芽率均在90% 以上,不同品种同一部位发芽率无 差异,而老枝发芽率达88% 以上,比中老枝高50% 以上,比嫩枝高70% 以上;赤霉素、吲哚乙酸、萘乙酸 处理相同部位发芽率差异不显著,与对照差异均达极显著;葛头苗移栽成活率达97.33%;老枝扦插苗成活 率达77%,比压条苗高46.44%,中老枝成活率41.67%,比压条苗高11.11%,嫩枝苗成活率为2.78%,比压 条苗低27.78%。不同品种压条出苗率均在98% 以上,而移栽成活率只有30.56%。表明葛头苗和老枝扦插 苗出苗率高,移栽成活率也较高。
      This study aimed to investigate the relationship between survival rate of seedling and different nursery techniques in Radia Puerariae.The results showed that germination rates of QS08-1 and Gange 1 was up to 90%,there was no difference in the same position of branch germination rate of elder branches was up to 88%, which was 50% higher than adult branch,and 70% higher than young branch. There was no difference on germination rate treatmented by gibberellin,indole acetic acid,naphthalene acetic acid,but there was a significant difference between treatment and control. The survival rate of transplanted seedling was 97.33%,the survival rate of elder branches cottage seedling was 77%,46.44 %higher than that of the layering seedling,and the survival rate of adult branches cottage seedling was 41.67 %,11.11 %higher than that of the layering seedling,and 2.78% of young branch currage seedlings,27.78% lower than the control. The seedling emergence rate of different cultivars was more than 98%,the survival rate of transplanted seedling was only 30.56%.Our results indicate that the seedling rate of Radix Puerariae and the cuttage seedling of elder branch was high,with higher survival rate transplanted seedling.
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