黄子锋1,3,王凤兰2,方展奋2,张昭其1.弱光和1-MCP 处理对盆栽月季贮运品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(1):34-38 |
弱光和1-MCP 处理对盆栽月季贮运品质的影响 |
Effects of weak light and 1-MCP treatments on storage qualities of Rosa chinensis |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2018.01.006 |
中文关键词: 月季 弱光 1-MCP 贮运品质 黄叶率 |
英文关键词: Rosa chinensis weak light 1-MCP storage quality rate of yellow leaves |
基金项目:东莞市社会科技发展项目(2014108101020) |
摘要点击次数: 2691 |
全文下载次数: 909 |
中文摘要: |
模拟贮运环境下,以正常光照和黑暗条件为对照,对盆栽月季进行弱光和1-MCP 处理,通
1-MCP 处理对盆栽月季贮运品质的影响。结果表明:310 lx 的LED 弱光和1.0 μL/L 的1-MCP 处理均能有
效保持月季叶色;黑暗环境下,月季叶片的光能转换率明显低于光照环境;弱光处理比1-MCP 处理延续叶
片含水量效果更佳;弱光处理月季叶片的L 值第8 天升幅最大;弱光处理叶片的a 值保持较高的水平,且
高于1-MCP 和黑暗处理;弱光处理的b 值均低于1-MCP 和黑暗处理。综合来看,LED 弱光处理能较好保
持月季盆栽的贮运品质,保鲜效果优于1-MCP 处理,作为一种简便可行的物理保鲜方法,在盆栽培品质调
控方面具有应用潜力。 |
英文摘要: |
In simulated environment of storage and transport,with normal light and dark conditions as contrast,
the effects of weak light and 1-MCP treatments on storage and transport qualities of Rosa chinensis were studied by
determining the contents of chlorophyll,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,water content,colour difference
of the leaves,and the rate of yellow leaves. The results showed that weak light by 310 lx LED and 1.0μL/L
1-MCP treatment effectively maintained the leaf color of the roses. In dark conditions,light energy conversion rate
of the leaves was significantly lower than that of the light environment. Compared with the 1-MCP treatment,the
decrease of weak light leaves water content was smaller;Colour parameters value L on the 8th day increased the most
significantly in the weak light treatment. Value a in the weak light treatment was higher than that of 1-MCP and dark
treatment,and value b of weak light treatment was lower than 1-MCP and dark treatment. Generally,the LED weak
light treatment had a better effect of maintain the storage and transport quality of the pot roses than that of 1-MCP
treatment. As a simple and practical method of physical preservation,LED had a potential application in pot flower
quality control. |
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