郝中明1,吴水荣2,覃 林1,谭 玲1,郭文福3.广西南部地区不同林龄马尾松及其混交林理化性质研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(1):39-43
查看全文    HTML 广西南部地区不同林龄马尾松及其混交林理化性质研究
Soil physical and chemical properties of pure Pinus massoniana and mixed-species tree plantation withdifferent age in south Guangxi area
中文关键词: 马尾松  土壤理化性质  人工纯林  人工混交林
英文关键词: Pinus massoniana  soil physical and chemical characteristics  monoculture plantations  mixedtree plantations
郝中明1,吴水荣2,覃 林1,谭 玲1,郭文福3 1. 广西大学林学院广西 南宁 5300042. 中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所北京 100091 3. 中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心广西 凭祥 532600 
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      在中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心选取59、34 和24 年生马尾松纯林及其混交林共6 种林分,设立20 m×20 m 样地,通过在0~60 cm 土层取样,分析同林龄林分、不同林龄林分间的土壤养分 含量变化规律。结果表明,中生林的土壤含水率和容重均高于其他林地,早生林土壤孔隙度最高,各林地土 壤pH 值都在4.45~4.75 之间且变化不大。同林龄34、24 年生混交林土壤酸性以及有机质、全P、全K 含量 均高于同年生纯林,但速效P、K 含量随土壤深度增加而减小,在林龄方面变化不同。尽管土壤指标变化不 尽相同,但34 年生马尾松林土壤养分含量优于其他林分。
      Six forest stands of 59,34,and 24 years old Pinus massoniana and their mixed forests were selected and 20 m by 20 m plots were set up to analyze the changes of soil nutrients content under different forest stands and forest ages. Soil samples were taken from 0 to 60 cm soil layers. The results showed that soil moisture and the bulk density in the mesophytic forest were higher than those of other forests land. The highest soil porosity value was observed in the early forest land. Soil pH value of different forest ranged from 4.45 to 4.75,indicating the variation was small. It was indicated that the mixed forest was more able to increase the soil fertility than the pure forest because that the trends of soil acidity,organic matter content and total P and K in mixed forests aged 34 and 24 years were higher than those in pure forests of the same year. However,the content of soil available P and K decreased with the increase of soil depth,and varied in terms of forest ages. From the changes of soil parameters in different forest lands,soil nutrients in the 34-year-old P. massoniana forest was superior to that of other forest stands.
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