高 群,华晓月.江西省财政支农资金绩效评价及优化建议[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(1):151-159
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Performance evaluation of financial support to agriculture in Jiangxi Province and optimization Recommendations
中文关键词: 财政支农  DEA 模型  绩效评价  江西省  纯技术效率  规模效率
英文关键词: financial support for agriculture  DEA model  performance evaluation  Jiangxi province  pure technical efficiency  scale efficiency
基金项目:江西省社会科学规划项目(17GL26);江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地研究项目(JD16149); 国家自然科学基金(71473282)
高 群,华晓月 南昌大学公共管理学院江西 南昌 330031 
摘要点击次数: 2247
全文下载次数: 846
      为科学评析省域层面的财政支农效果,以全国农业大省江西省为例,基于2010—2015 年数 据,利用DEA 模型从省际与市际两个维度综合评价省域层面财政支农效率。宏观方面结果表明:与中三角 省份相比,江西在财政支农效果方面有一定优势,提升空间也较大。微观方面结果表明:省财政支农综合效 率均值为0.891,各市财政支农综合效率均值除2013 年以外均在0.85 以上,支农效率水平较高,但存在下 降又回升的波动态势;省内各市之间存在较大差距,综合技术效率最高值与最低值之差高达0.513。为进一 步提升江西省财政支农绩效,提出省际层面上要继续加大财政支农力度,扩大规模、加强管理;各市要因地 制宜,结合本市的财政支农特点加以改善,针对纯技术效率与规模效率的不同缺陷分别加以改善,发挥支 农政策的经济效益、社会效益及生态效益。
      For the scientific assessment of the effect of fiscal agriculture in the provincial level,taking Jiangxi Province,a large agricultural province of China,as an example,the DEA model was used to comprehensively evaluate the provincial-level fiscal agriculture efficiency from the two dimensions of provincial and municipal levels based on the data of 2010-2015. The macroscopic results showed that: Jiangxi has some advantages in the financial agriculture effect,and the promotion space is also larger. The microscopic results show that: the overall efficiency of the provincial financial agriculture is 0.891,the average value of financial support to agriculture in each city is above 0.85 in addition to 2013 years,and the level of agricultural efficiency is higher,but there is a fluctuation trend of decline and rebound. There is a big gap between the provincesthat the overall technical efficiency of the highest and the lowest value of the difference is up to 0.513. In order to promote the financial performance of agriculture in Jiangxi Province,it is proposed that the provincial level should continue to strengthen the financial support for agriculture,expand the scaleand strengthen the management.In order to improve the economic benefits,social and ecological benefits of agriculture supporting policies,it should be improved according to the local conditions, financial characteristics ,the different defects of the technical efficiency and scale efficiency.
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