查看全文    HTML 不同玉米品种成熟期籽粒含水量及脱水速率差异分析
Variance analysis of kernel water content and dehydration rate at different maturity stages of maize hybrid
中文关键词: 玉米  杂交种  水分测定  脱水速率  品种差异
英文关键词: maize  hybrids  moisture determination  dehydration rate  variance analysis
赵永锋,张怀钊 河北农业大学农学院/ 国家玉米改良中心河北分中心河北 保定 071001 
摘要点击次数: 2320
全文下载次数: 976
      玉米籽粒的机械化收获是未来玉米生产发展趋势,成熟期的籽粒含水量和脱水速率是决定能 否机械化收获的重要因素。以86 个不同玉米杂交组合为试验材料,以仪器测定和烘干法测定玉米成熟期籽 粒含水量,分析不同玉米品种成熟期籽粒含水量及脱水速率的差异,并进一步研究成熟期籽粒含水量杂种 优势。结果表明:构建仪器测定法和烘干法标准回归曲线为y = 0.4445x + 14.603 R2 = 0.4509;不同玉米杂交 种成熟期籽粒含水量不同,筛选到农单422、农单853、农单826 等籽粒含水量在25% 左右;不同玉米杂交 种脱水速率差异显著,其中农单476 脱水速率最快为0.94%,农单584 脱水速率最慢为0.11%;不同杂交种 成熟期籽粒含水量中亲优势差异显著,选育品种时要选择农单826、农单605 等中亲优势较小的品种,且一 般母本含水量影响高于父本,优先考虑母本含水量低的品种。建议对农单528、农单856、农单154 等进行 品种比较试验,以筛选高产、适宜籽粒机械化收获的玉米新品种。
      Grain harvest mechanization will be developmental trend of maize production in the future, the moisture content and dehydration rate of grain in mature period are important factor to decide the mechanized harvesting. In this study,we used 86 different maize hybrid combinations as experimental material,measured moisture content of corn grain by the instrument measuring and drying method,analysis of different hybrid combination of corn varieties of grain moisture content and dehydration rate were differences. The results showed that the standard curve of the regression curve of the instrument and the drying method was y = 0.4445x + 14.603(R2 = 0.4509). The moisture content of seed grains of different corn varieties was different,and the water content of seed grains such as Nong 422,Nong 853 and Nong 826 is about 25%. The rate of dehydration of different maize hybrids was significant,with the rate of dehydration at the fastest rate of Nongdan476 at 0.94% and the rate of dehydration rate of Nongdan584 at 0.11%. Different hybrids in the mature period of grain moisture content have significant advantages,breeding varieties to choose single 826,farmers kiss little advantage in 605,single species,and the general effect higher than that of male parent,female parent water content priority maternal low moisture content of varieties. This study suggests that the varieties of corn varieties,such as agricultural single 528,Nong 856 and Nong 154,will be tested,and the yield of maize varieties can be harvested from high yield and suitable grain.
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