查看全文    HTML 不同基因型烤烟在江西烟区的适应性研究
Adaptability of different flue-cured tobacco genotypes in Jiangxi province
中文关键词: 烤烟  新品种  筛选  适应性  江西烟区
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  new varieties  screening  adaptability  Jiangxi tobacco area
基金项目:江西省烟草公司科技项目(201401001);广东中烟工业有限责任公司重点科技项目(粤烟工05XMQK[ 2014]012)
丁永亮,苑举民,陈仁霄,张启明,何宽信 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 330025 
摘要点击次数: 2590
全文下载次数: 1011
      为筛选适合江西烟区生态条件的优质烤烟新品种(系),引进CC27、FJ209、20810、中烟204、 F31-2、NX0914 等6 个烤烟品种(系),以K326 为对照,试验分析各品种(系)的生育期、农艺性状、抗 病性、经济性状、外观质量、化学成分和感官品质。结果表明:各参试品种(系)生育期与对照相近,其 中20810 经济性状较好,上等烟比例高,感官质量中等;中烟204 田间生长势强,综合抗病性好,产值产量 高,感官质量仅次于K326;NX0914 产值产量显著优于K326,中上等烟比例较高,感官质量优于K326;其 他参试品种综合表现一般。20810、中烟204 和NX0914 可扩大种植面积,进一步验证研究。
      The growth period,agronomic characters,economic characters,disease resistance,appearance quality,chemical composition and sensory quality of seven flue-cured tobacco varieties( lines),named CC27, FJ209,20810,Zhongyan 204,F31-2,NX0914 and K326( CK),were analyzed by a field test in Jiangxi province to screen high quality varieties. The results showed that the growth period of all testing varieties( lines) was similar to K326. 20810 showed better economic characters,higher ratio of high quality leaf and mid-level sensory quality. The sensory quality of Zhongyan 204 with strong growth potential in the field,better comprehensive disease resistance and high production yield was second only to K326. The production and output value,high middle class leaf and sensory quality of NX0914 were significantly better than that of K326. The others were generally. So we suggest 20810, Zhongyan 204 and NX0914 could be enlarged planting areas and got further validation studies.
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