张 琳,韩雅祯,刘召强,孟亚南,刘艺平,孔德政.银鹊树苗期生长节律研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(2):47-51
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Study on the growth rhythm of Tapiseia siriensis at seedling stage
中文关键词: 银鹊树  苗高  地径  生长节律
英文关键词: Tapiseia siriensis  seedling height  ground diameter  growth rhythm
张 琳,韩雅祯,刘召强,孟亚南,刘艺平,孔德政 河南农业大学林学院河南 郑州 450002 
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      以引种自宜昌五峰的银鹊树为试验对象,在鄢陵龙源苗圃内对银鹊树幼苗进行不同月份的苗 高、地径和叶片生长量的调查,分析其幼苗的生长规律,并利用Logistic 曲线和S 型方程曲线拟合银鹊树 幼苗的生长过程。结果表明:银鹊树的苗高和地径增长均呈“S”型曲线,6~7 月为苗高生长的高峰期, 占全年总生长量的25.2%;8~9 月为地径生长的高峰期,占全年总生长量的27.2%。与“S”型曲线相比, Logistic 曲线更适合描述银鹊树苗高和地径的生长过程,拟合的生长曲线可预测银鹊树幼苗的生长状况,从 而为育苗工作和园林应用提供参考。
      Taking the Tapiseia siriensis introduced from the Wufeng county Yichang city as materials,we surveyed the seedling height,ground diameter and leaf growth in different months at the Longyuan nursery of Yanling county,analyzed their growth rhythm,and then fit the growth process of seedlings by using Logistic curve and S curve. The result showed that the height and ground diameter showed“ S” curves in the whole process of seedling growth. The fast growth period of plant height started from June to July,accounting for 25.2% of the total annual growth,whereas the fast growth period of plant ground diameter started from August to September,accounting for 27.2% of the total annual growth. Compared to the S curve,Logistic curve was better suited for describing the growth of height and ground diameter. The seedling growth could be well predicted by the fitting curves,thus providing reference for seedling nursery and landscape application.
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