张凌云,李姝毅,覃思思,蒋长剑,龙启发,苏 敏,刘初生,吴潜华.不同中耕方式的效果及其对桂林毛尖茶园土壤理化性质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(2):80-85
查看全文    HTML 不同中耕方式的效果及其对桂林毛尖茶园土壤理化性质的影响
Effects of different farming methods and its effect on the soil physicochemical properties of Guilin Maojiantea garden
中文关键词: 桂林毛尖  茶园  耕作方式  土壤  理化性质
英文关键词: Guilin Maojian tea  tea garden  farming methods  soil  physical and chemical properties
基金项目:桂林市科学研究与技术开发计划项目(20150117-2);广西直属公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 (GCJB-16-18)
张凌云,李姝毅,覃思思,蒋长剑,龙启发,苏 敏,刘初生,吴潜华 广西桂林茶叶科学研究所广西 桂林 541004 
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      为进一步优化桂林毛尖茶园的耕作农艺配套技术,通过对试验地的相关改造,以不中耕为对 照,研究不同中耕方式的效果、效率、成本的差异及其对茶园土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:人工中耕、 手扶微耕机中耕、履带拖拉机中耕均能改善土壤的理化性质,具体表现在耕作后土壤相对含水量均较对照 略低但保水效果较好,土壤容重、硬度值均显著低于对照,土壤孔隙度均显著高于对照,但随着耕作后时间 的推移,耕作后土壤容重、硬度值会不同程度地逐渐上升,土壤孔隙度则会不同程度地逐渐下降;而不同耕 作方式的效果、效率、成本之间有较大的区别,其中履带拖拉机耕作效果最好且最稳定,同时作业效率是人 工耕作的10 倍而成本只是人工耕作的0.39 倍。表明采用手扶微耕机或履带式拖拉机对桂林毛尖茶园进行 机械耕作作业均是可行的,同时为机械耕作在改良土壤理化性质上提供了理论依据,也有利于桂林毛尖茶 园机械耕作的普及和茶园机械化进程的加快。对于拟开展机械化耕作的茶园,除了机械及技术人员配置到 位外,茶园的立地条件、种植方式、机械道的预留等方面要相应做好规划,建议选择平地或缓坡进行开垦, 优先选择无性系茶树优良品种,采用180 cm 以上大行距种植,同时主干道建设为3.0 m 以上,支道2.0 m 以 上且茶园与四周山林、农田应设置隔离沟及排水沟为宜。
      In order to further optimize the cultivation and agronomy technology of Guilin Maojian tea garden, Through the modification of the experimental site,contrast no farming,the effect,efficiency and cost of different tillage methods were studied in this paper. The results showed that:human farming,micro tillage machine,crawler tractor can improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. After farming the soil had good water retention but low moisture content compared to the contrast group,while the soil bulk density and hardness value were significantly lower than the contrast,and the porosity of soil was significantly higher than that of contrast. With the passage of time after farming,soil bulk density and hardness value will gradually increase,ant the porosity of soil decreases gradually. There were significant differences between the effect,efficiency and cost of different farming methods. The crawler tractor is the best and most stable. At the same time,the operating efficiency was 10 times of human farming while the cost 0.39 times of human farming. But for tea plantations that are intended to be mechanized,In addition to the mechanical and technical personnel to be configured in place,the site conditions,planting mode and mechanical way reservation of tea garden should be planned accordingly. It is recommended to select flat or gentle slope for reclamation,preferential selection of non-sexual tea tree varieties,with over 180 cm long distance planting and the main road construction more than 3.0 m,trunk road 2.0 m above,and the tea garden and surrounding mountain forests,farmland should be equipped with isolation ditch and drain. This study shows that it is feasible to use the micro tillage machine or crawler tractor to carry out the mechanical tillage work of the Guilin Maojian tea garden, it provides a theoretical basis for mechanical cultivation to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. It is also conducive to the acceleration of the mechanization of the Guilin Maojian tea garden.
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