查看全文    HTML 新疆天山森林公园土壤甲螨群落结构和类群多样性研究
Community structure and diversity of soil oribatid mites in Tianshan Forest Park,Xinjiang,China
中文关键词: 新疆天山森林公园  土壤甲螨  群落多样性  MGP 分析  聚类分析
英文关键词: Tianshan Forest Park  soil oribatid mites  community diversity  MGP analysis  cluster analysis
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新项目(XJGRI201617);国家自然科学基金(31560588,41361052, 40961018)
排孜丽耶·合力力,吾玛尔·阿布力孜,阿丽亚·司地克 新疆大学生命科学与技术学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046 
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      为探明天山森林公园不同生境土壤甲螨多样性特征及其时空动态特征,基于Tullgren 干漏斗 法对不同生境土壤甲螨群落结构和类群多样性进行比较研究。结果表明,共捕获土壤甲螨成体标本21 836 只,属于45 科81 属。其中小甲螨属Oribatella 为优势类群,占总个体数的11.24%;三皱甲螨属Rhysotritia、 小奥甲螨属Oppiella、贪颈尖棱甲螨属Jugatala、尖棱甲螨属Ceratozetes 为亚优势类群,占总个体数的 23.58%;礼服甲螨属Trhypochthonius、洼甲螨属Camisia、盖头甲螨属Tectocepheus 等21 属为常见类群,占 总个体数的49.8%;古甲螨属Palaeacarus、沙甲螨属Eremulus、大翼甲螨属Galumna 等55 属为稀有类群, 占总个体数的15.38%。不同生境间土壤甲螨群落结构及类群多样性均有显著差异,其个体数顺序为针叶 林>针阔混交林>阔叶林>苗圃林>草甸草原>灌木林>林中草地,而多样性指数表现为针叶林>苗圃林 >阔叶林>灌木林>针阔混交林>草甸草原>林中草地;在时空分布上表现出极显著差异,垂直分布具有 明显的表聚特性,而在季节分布上秋季最多,春季最少。MGP 分析表明,土壤甲螨群落基本属于O 型和P 型。聚类和排序结果将7 种不同生境分为四大类型。研究表明,植被类型和人为干扰是影响土壤甲螨群落 结构和多样性的主导因素。
      In order to explore the impact of vegetation types and forest management on the soil oribatid biodiversity,we investigated the community structure and diversity of soil oribatids in 7 different habitat types in Tianshan Forest Park,Xinjiang,Northwest China using Tullgren funnel. We captured 21 836 adult individuals of oribatid mites which belong to 81 genera and 45 families. Among them,Oribatella was the dominant group and account for 11.24% of the total abundance,Oppiella,Ceratozetes,Jugatala and Rhysotritia were subdominant groups,and account for 23.58%;21 genera including Trhypochthonius,Camisia and Tectocepheus were common groups,and account for 49.8 %;55 genera including Eremulus,Galumna and Hoplophthiracarus were rare groups, and account for 15.38%. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the structure and diversity of soil oribatid mite communities among different habitats( P<0.05),the number of individuals in coniferous forest >conifer-broadleaf forest > broad-leaved forest > nursery garden > meadow steppe> shrubbery> grass glade,and the diversity index represents coniferous forest> nursery garden > broad-leaved forest> shrubbery> conifer-broadleaf forest> meadow steppe> grass glade. There were significant differences in the spatial and temporal distribution (P<0.01),the vertical distribution has distinct surface aggregation,while the total abundance was highest in autumn and the lowest in spring. MGP analysis showed that the soil oribatida community basically belonged to 0 type and P type. The clustering and sorting results divided seven different habitats into four main types. The results showed that vegetation type and human disturbance were the dominant factors affecting the structure and diversity of soil oribatida community in Tianshan Forest Park.
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