姚艳丽1,毛丽君2,姚希猛2,贺军军1,罗 萍1.不同贮藏温度对不同砧木红江橙果实采后品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(2):123-129
查看全文    HTML 不同贮藏温度对不同砧木红江橙果实采后品质的影响
Effects of different storage temperature on the quality of different rootstocks Hongjiangcheng fruit
中文关键词: 红江橙  砧木  低温冷藏  果实品质
英文关键词: Hongjiangcheng  rootstock  low temperature storage  fruit quality
基金项目:湛江农垦2017 年财政资金项目(2130106)
姚艳丽1,毛丽君2,姚希猛2,贺军军1,罗 萍1 1. 中国热带农业科学院湛江实验站/ 广东省旱作节水农业工程技术研究中心广东 湛江 524013 2. 广垦(湛江)红江橙农业科技有限公司广东 廉江 524448 
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      分别以红桔砧木和柠檬砧木6 年生红江橙为试验材料,对比研究了不同低温贮藏对不同砧木 红江橙的保鲜效果。结果表明,不同砧木红江橙低温贮藏均可显著降低失重率和腐烂率,其中,5℃效果最 好,红桔砧木和柠檬砧木红江橙的失重率比对照分别降低72.29% 和72.09%,柠檬砧木红江橙的腐烂率比 对照降低81.3%。不同低温贮藏条件不同程度地延缓了红红橙维生素C、可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量及果 实硬度的降低,以5℃效果最好,其次是10℃。
      In this paper the 6 years Hongjiangcheng of tangerine rootstock and lemon rootstock as experimental materials,the fresh keeping effect of Hongjiangcheng of different rootstocks on different storage temperature was studied comparatively. The results showed that Hongjiangcheng of different rootstocks on low-temperature storage reduced weight loss ratio and rotting rate significantly,the best effect of 5℃,Hongjiangcheng of tangerine rootstock and lemon rootstock weight loss rate were lower than the control,and decreased 72.29% and 72.09%,respectively. The Hongjiangcheng of lemon rootstock rotting rate decreased by 81.3% under 5℃. Different degrees of low temperature storage delayed the decrease of vitamin C(VC),soluble solids and soluble sugar content and fruit hardness. The effect was best at 5℃,followed by 10℃.
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