唐 颢1,唐劲驰1,车姚兴2,黎健龙1,李子辉2,周 波1,刘嘉裕1,卢天福3.惠州地方特色茶的品质分析及发展建议[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(3):38-44
查看全文    HTML 惠州地方特色茶的品质分析及发展建议
Analysis on the quality of local tea in Huizhou city and suggestions for its industrialization
中文关键词: 惠州  炒青绿茶  紫芽茶  甜茶  辣木茶  生化品质
英文关键词: Huizhou city  fried green tea  purple bud tea  sweet tea  Moringa tea  biochemical quality
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2015A020210077,2015B090906027);广东省科技计划项目(粤科规财字 [2014]208 号)
唐 颢1,唐劲驰1,车姚兴2,黎健龙1,李子辉2,周 波1,刘嘉裕1,卢天福3 1. 广东省农业科学院茶叶研究所/ 广东省茶树资源创新利用重点实验室广东 广州 510640 2. 博罗县农业技术推广中心广东 博罗 516100 3. 博罗县福波生态茶园专业合作社广东 博罗 516148 
摘要点击次数: 2008
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      概述惠州地方特色茶的生产历史、主要产茶县(区)及茶叶生产现状,并采集惠州地方特 色茶代表性绿茶、红茶、紫芽茶及代用茶(甜茶、辣木茶)样品,测定其主要品质成分含量。结果显示, 惠州客家炒青绿茶含茶多酚21.27%~42.28%、氨基酸1.66%~5.48%、咖啡碱1.80%~3.57%、可溶性糖 2.57%~5.75%,水浸出物含量38.22%~53.53%,酚氨比4.96~18.28,其中紫芽茶含花青素1.11%~1.50% (为非紫芽茶的1.69 倍),其生化品质特点与广东梅州、河源等地的客家炒青绿茶相近;新近开发的惠州 红茶生化品质符合红茶标准,有待进一步发展;甜茶、辣木茶内含物丰富,具有一定保健功效,且多酚、咖 啡碱含量低,开发营养功能产品前景好。
      This paper outlined the production history,main producing counties( districts) and production status of Huizhou local characteristic teas. Samples of green tea,black tea,purple bud tea and substitute tea( sweet tea and Moringa tea) representative of Huizhou local characteristics tea were collected,and their main quality components were determined. The results showed that Huizhou Hakka fried green teas contained polyphenols 21.27%-42.28%, amino acid 1.66%-5.48%,caffeine 1.80%-3.57%,soluble sugar 2.57%-5.75%, water extract 38.22%-53.53%, phenol ammonia ratio 4.96-18.28. Anthocyanin of purple bud tea was 1.11%-1.50%( average content was 1.69 times that of non-purple bud teas),its biochemical quality characteristics are similar to Hakka fried green tea in Meizhou and Heyuan of Guangdong. Huizhou black tea was newly developed,its biochemical quality conformed to the standard of black tea and needs further development. Sweet tea and Moringa tea were rich in contents,low content of polyphenols and caffeine,so that had certain health care function and good prospects for the developing nutrition functional products.
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