查看全文    HTML 饼肥配施对烤烟产质量与土壤改良的影响
Effects of cake fertilizer on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco and the improvement ofsoil properties
中文关键词: 饼肥  有机肥  烤烟  质量  土壤改良
英文关键词: cake fertilizer  organic fertilizer  tobacco  quality  soil improvement
基金项目:广东中烟工业有限责任公司科技项目“以成熟为中心的瑞金特色优质烟叶生产技术研究与应用”(粤 烟工05XM-QK[2014]012)
王玉胜1,管成伟2,李旭华1,张启明2,叶为民1,张海伟2 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东 广州 510385 2. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 330025 
摘要点击次数: 2285
全文下载次数: 734
      以云烟87 为试验材料,通过田间试验,研究了不同比例饼肥和有机肥配施对烤烟生长与土 壤改良的影响。结果表明:纯饼肥对烟株生长和土壤酶活性的促进效果最佳;施用饼肥能够促进烟株生育 期提前1~3 d,并且有利于干物质积累;随着饼肥使用量的增加烟叶质体色素的含量逐渐增加,最高增加 25.82%;饼肥(10% 有机氮)与有机肥(10% 有机氮)配施能够提高烟叶化学成分协调性,并适当降低烟 碱含量,提高烟叶的内在质量。通过研究结果和经济成本两方面考虑,应该在江西推广饼肥和有机肥配施 方案,提高烟叶质量,增加烟农经济收益。
      A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different proportions of cake fertilizer and organic manure on the growth of flue-cured tobacco cv. yunyan87 and the improvement of soil properties. The results indicated that the pure cake fertilizer may have a positive effect on the growth of tobacco plants and soil enzyme activity. Potential benefits of land application of cake fertilizer would make the tobacco plant grow faster in which growth periods were 1-3 days in advance and increase its maximum dry matter accumulation. The content of plastid pigment,which can significantly increase the aroma of tobacco leaves,gradually increased up to 25.82% with the increase of the amount of cake fertilizer used. The combination of cake fertilizer( 10% organic nitrogen) and organic fertilizer( 10% organic nitrogen) can improve the coordination of chemical composition of tobacco leaves,reduce the content of nicotine and improve the intrinsic quality of tobacco leaves. The results indicated that the application of cake fertilizer and organic manure in Jiangxi would contribute most significantly improve the quality of tobacco leaves and increase the net economic returns of the cured tobacco.
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