刘玉珍,邓振山,高 飞,李 静,李征霆,陈凯凯,魏婷婷.一株巨菌草内生细菌的鉴定及其促生特性初步分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(3):88-93
查看全文    HTML 一株巨菌草内生细菌的鉴定及其促生特性初步分析
Identification of an endophytic bacteria from Pennisetum sp. and the preliminary analysis of its growthpromoting properties
中文关键词: 巨菌草  筛选  内生细菌  鉴定  促生特性
英文关键词: Pennisetum sp.  screening  endophytic bacteria  identification  growth promoting
刘玉珍,邓振山,高 飞,李 静,李征霆,陈凯凯,魏婷婷 延安大学生命科学学院陕西 延安 716000 
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      以巨菌草为材料,采用组织块分离法、划线分离法筛选内生细菌,采用Salkowski 比色法筛选 具有分泌植物生长素(IAA)能力的菌株,同时采用钼锑抗比色法测定其溶磷能力、Ashby 培养基验证其固 氮潜能、CAS 方法检测其产生铁载体能力,通过生理生化鉴定和16S rDNA 分子生物学鉴定相结合的方法 鉴定优良菌株的分类地位。结果表明:从巨菌草中筛选出86 株内生细菌,其中菌株YA-6 的产IAA 能力最 高(11.73 mg/L),且具有溶磷、固氮和产铁载体的能力,溶磷量为7.103 mg/L。菌株YA-6 菌体杆状,呈革 兰氏阴性,结合16S rDNA 基因序列相似性分析鉴定属假单胞菌属,与Pseudomonas hunanensis 同源性最高 (99.36%)。巨菌草内生菌YA-6 具有多种促生特性,具有开发为微生物农药的潜力。
      Using Juncao as materials,endophytes were gained by tissue isolation and streak plate method. The ability of indole acetic acid( IAA) production and siderophore production were tested by the Salkowski colorimetric method and CAS assay,separately. The ability of phosphate solubilization and nitrogen fixation were also detected by using Mo-Sb-Ascrobiology acid colorimetry and Ashby agar plates,separately. The strain was identified according to its physio-biochemical characteristics and the sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene. The results showed that a total number of 86 strains of endophytes were isolated from Juncao,YA-6 strain had the highest ability to produce IAA (11.73 mg/L). This strain also had characteristics of phosphate solubilization( 7.103 mg/L),nitrogen fixation and siderophores production. Endophytic bacteria YA-6 was rod-shaped and gram-negative. The sequence analysis of 16S rDNA gene showed that strain YA-6 belonged to Pseudomonas hunanensis with 99.36% identity. YA-6 strain had many growth promoting properties,which was expected to be new microbial fertilizer.
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