牛生洋,刘 强,李 刚,沈 雨.花旗松素在低脂干酪中的抗氧化活性研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(3):122-127
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Study on antioxidant properties in low-fat cheese of taxifolin
中文关键词: 花旗松素  干酪  抗氧化  DPPH 清除力  Cu2+ 还原能力
英文关键词: taxifolin  cheese  antioxidant properties  DPPH free radical-scavenging activity  cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity
基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(182102310642)教育部产学合作协同育人项目(201702031044);河南省教育 厅科学技术研究重点项目(18B550002);河南科技学院大学生创新实验项目(2017CX048)
牛生洋,刘 强,李 刚,沈 雨 河南科技学院食品学院河南 新乡 453003 
摘要点击次数: 2110
全文下载次数: 740
      花旗松素具有降血压、抗菌消炎、抗氧化、抑制肿瘤细胞生长等多种生物活性,已经被认定为 新资源食品。为研究花旗松素在乳制品中的抗氧化活性,对不同加工处理下干酪中的花旗松素抗氧化活性 变化进行测定,并分析了干酪加工处理因素之间的相互作用,结果表明:在干酪加工过程中,凝乳酶添加量 对花旗松素的DPPH 清除能力及Cu2+ 还原能力都没有影响,而随着温度、凝乳酸度(pH)及CaCl2 添加量 的不同,花旗松素在干酪中的抗氧化能力均有显著变化,其中温度与CaCl2 添加量,温度与pH 对花旗松素 抗氧化能力变化有相互作用,而pH 及CaCl2 添加量对花旗松素抗氧化能力变化相互间没有影响。
      Taxifolin is a kind of flavanonol,also known as taxifolin. Because of its strong biological function and health care ability,it is considered novel food( NF) by the European Food Safety Authority( EFSA). To verify the effect of various components and processing on the antioxidant activity of citicin in dairy products,the antioxidant properties of taxifolin in low-fat cheese were evaluated and anythsised through response surface. The results showed that there were no significances in the amount of rennet for antioxidant properties of taxifolin between DPPH free radical-scavenging activity and cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity,and there were significant in the pH,the curd temperature and amount of CaCl2 of low-fat cheese for antioxidant properties of taxifolin. Moreover,there were interaction between the curd temperature and amount of CaCl2,the pH and the curd temperature.
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