田青兰1,黄伟华1,黄永才1,徐晓屿2,吴艳艳1,牟海飞1,吴代东1,刘洁云1.2017 年广西香蕉行情低迷的原因分析及对策建议[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(3):148-154
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Analysis on the reason and countermeasures of the downturn market of Guangxi banana in 2017
中文关键词: 香蕉  产业调研  集中上市  产量  品质  枯萎病
英文关键词: banana  industrial investigation and research  concentration of listed  yield  quality  fusarium wilt
基金项目:广西香蕉创新团队栽培功能专家项目(nycytxgxcxtd-04-18-1);广西农业科学院基本科研业务专 项(桂农科2018YT19);广西科技基地和人才专项(2017AD25047);广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科能 1598022-3-6)
田青兰1,黄伟华1,黄永才1,徐晓屿2,吴艳艳1,牟海飞1,吴代东1,刘洁云1 1. 广西农业科学院生物技术研究所广西 南宁 5300072. 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 530004 
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      结合全国和广西香蕉种植概况,针对2017 年崇左市的香蕉种植、产销及枯萎病发病情况开展 深入调研。结果表明:2011—2016 年广西香蕉种植面积(增幅26.32%)和总产量(增幅55.50%)整体呈 上升趋势,但2017 年广西香蕉种植面积缩减,形势严峻;2017 年崇左市香蕉产业面临蕉园改种、品质下 降、供过于求、价格不稳定以及持续低价和种植户抵御市场风险能力较弱等问题。此外,2017 年广西南宁、 钦州等香蕉主产区香蕉枯萎病蔓延迅速,全区重病区蕉园改种普遍。广西香蕉行情低迷的原因主要为:香 蕉集中上市,供过于求,普遍增产加剧供求矛盾,品质下降影响贮藏和销售;进口蕉占据重要市场;大众的 水果消费结构发生变化。从产业技术、产业发展、国际贸易及临时应对措施方面提出了应对对策和建议。
      This study combined national and Guangxi banana planting situation,and carried out in-depth investigation and research on the situation of banana planting,production and marketing and the incidence of fusarium wilt in Chongzuo city. Results showed that planting area and annual output for banana in Guangxi had a growth of 26.32% and 55.50% respectively,which showed an upward trend from 2011 to 2016. However,the planting area for banana in Guangxi declined in 2017,and the situation was serious. There were lots of problems the banana industry of Chongzuo faced,which included banana fields replant,quality decline,oversupply,price instability, continuous low price and vulnerable to market risks. In addition,in 2017,banana fusarium wilt disease spread rapidly in Nanning and Qinzhou and other banana producing areas in Guangxi,and banana fields in seriously ill areas had been widely replanted. The causes of Guangxi banana market downturn were mainly included concentration of listed,oversupply,exacerbating the contradiction between supply and demand by increased yield,and storage and sales affected by decline of quality,the important domestic market occupied by imported bananas,and the fruit consumption structure changed in public. Countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from the aspects of industrial technology,industrial development,international trade and temporary measures.
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