陆树华1,2,谭艳芳2,黄甫昭2,李先琨2,李冬兴2,陈 婷2,蒋忠诚1.4 个火龙果品种在岩溶石山区的栽培表现及生态适应性研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(4):51-56 |
4 个火龙果品种在岩溶石山区的栽培表现及生态适应性研究 |
Culture performance and eco-adaptation of four varieties of dragon fruit in Karst rocky mountainous area |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2018.04.008 |
中文关键词: 岩溶环境 火龙果 品种改良 生态适应 |
英文关键词: Karst environment dragon fruit variety improvement ecological adaptation |
科学院广州分院科学院联盟项目 |
摘要点击次数: 2309 |
全文下载次数: 861 |
中文摘要: |
4 个火龙果品种引种到广西岩溶石山区,观察其在岩溶环境下的生长表现,为开展规模化推广种植提供基
础数据。结果表明,4 个火龙果品种总体上能够较好适应岩溶石山区的环境条件。从果实外观来看,呈祥一
呈祥一号大体相近,在18% 左右。与普通红肉品种相比,4 个品种在贮藏性上都有较好表现,台湾大红、桂
红龙、紫蜜龙、呈祥一号在熟后10 d 内没有裂果;台湾大红、呈祥一号更是在果实转红后继续挂果20 d 才
现优秀,是替代普通红肉种和越南白肉种的理想品种。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to find out suitable varieties of dragon fruit for Karst mountainous area,four new varieties
were selected and introduced,including Taiwan Dahong,Guihonglong,Zimilong,and Chengxiang No.1. The growth
performance of these varieties would provide the basic data for large-scale promotion of planting. The results showed
that four varieties were all suitable to Karst rocky mountainous area. From the appearance of the fruit,the Chengxiang
No.1 post-harvest product maintained the best,followed by Taiwan's Dahong and Guihonglong,and the Zimilong
dragon was poor. The average single fruit weight is the largest on the Chengxiang No.1,followed by the Taiwan Red One,and the Guihong Dragon,with the smallest Zimilong. Taiwan Dahong had the highest soluble solid which
reach to 19.6%,Guihonglong,Zimilong,and Chengxiang No.1 had close level about 18%. Compared to the normal
red fresh dragon fruit,four varieties had good performance in storage,they had no fruit cracking with 10 days after
fruit ripening. These characters were very favorable for staggering the marketing peak period. On the whole,Taiwan
Dahong and Chengxiang No.1 could be the ideal varieties to replace the old varieties for their good performance in
Karst rocky mountainous area. |
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