王永强,王 珺.锤状中鼓藻培养条件的优化[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(4):140-145
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Optimization of cultural conditions of Bellerochea malleus
中文关键词: 锤状中鼓藻  生态因子  营养盐  生长
英文关键词: Bellerochea Malleus  ecological factors  nutritions  growth
王永强,王 珺 海南大学海洋学院/ 热带生物资源教育部重点试验室/ 海南大学海洋生物试验教学中心海南 海口 570228 
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      通过单因子和正交试验,研究了温度、光照、盐度等生态因子及氮、磷、铁、硅、钼、维生 素B1、维生素B12 和维生素H 等营养元素对锤状中鼓藻〔Bellerochea malleus(Bright-well)Van Heurek〕 生长繁殖的影响。结果表明:锤状中鼓藻生长的适宜温度为15~35℃,最适温度为30℃;适宜光照为 1 000~8 000 lx,最适光照为4 000 lx;适宜盐度为5~50,最适盐度为35。筛选出锤状中鼓藻的培养液配 方为每升天然海水中加入NaNO3-N 20.0 mg、NaH2PO4-P 1.0 mg、FeSO4-Fe 0.1 mg、Na2SiO3-Si 15.0 mg、 Na2MoO4 0.02 mg、VB1 1.0 mg 和VH 0.05 mg。
      The paper studied effects of temperature,illumination intensity,salinity and nutrients on the growth and reproduction of Bellerochea malleus by one-factor experiment and orthogonal experiments.Results showed that the suitable water temperature was 15-35℃ and the optimal water temperature was 30℃.The suitable and optimal illumination intensity were respectively 1 000-8 000 lx and 4 000 lx.The suitable salinity was 5-50 and the optimal salinity was 35.The optimal prescription for culture solution was as follows:NaNO3-N 20.0 mg/L,NaH2PO4-P 1.0 mg/L,FeSO4-Fe 0.1 mg/L,Na2SiO3-Si 15.0 mg/L,Na2MoO4 0.02 mg/L,VB1 1.0 mg/L and VH 0.05 mg/L.
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