陆英杰,袁 生,邓玉妹,李君养,柯骏鸿,卢玉葵.广东某地区猪丹毒杆菌的分离鉴定与药物敏感性分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(4):146-150
查看全文    HTML 广东某地区猪丹毒杆菌的分离鉴定与药物敏感性分析
Isolation,identification and drug sensitivity of Erysipelothrix rhuriopathiae in a certain region of Guangdong
中文关键词: 猪丹毒杆菌  分离鉴定  病理观察  ELISA 检测  药敏试验
英文关键词: Erysipelothrix rhuriopathiae  isolation and identification  pathogenic observation  ELISA test  drug sensitivity test
陆英杰,袁 生,邓玉妹,李君养,柯骏鸿,卢玉葵 佛山科学技术学院生命科学与工程学院广东 佛山 528231 
摘要点击次数: 2027
全文下载次数: 832
      对广东某地区暴发的疑似患有猪丹毒杆菌的猪,取其肝、肾、脾等组织进行猪丹毒杆菌的分离 鉴定,应用16S rRNA 通用引物对获得的优势菌株进行基因扩增及序列鉴定,对鉴定的猪丹毒杆菌进行SPF 级小鼠攻毒试验;ELISA 检测小鼠血清中IgM 和IgG 的含量,观察肝脏、脾脏的病理变化;药物敏感性试验 分析鉴定菌株对青霉素、氨苄西林、链霉素、头孢克肟和头孢噻肟等9 种药物的敏感程度。结果表明,经过 分离培养及16S rRNA 鉴定的细菌有5 株为猪丹毒杆菌,小鼠血清中IgM 和IgG 含量试验组显著大于对照 组,感染小鼠肝脏和脾脏细胞均出现不同程度的变性或坏死;药物敏感试验结果显示,获得的5 株菌均对 林可霉素耐药,对青霉素、氨苄西林和头孢噻肟极度敏感,对头孢氨苄重度敏感,对阿奇霉素、恩诺沙星中 度敏感。
      Erysipelothrix rhuriopathiae from the liver,kidney and spleen tissue of suspected E. rhuriopathiae swine in a certain region of Guangdong was isolated,then aquired dominant bacteria was identified by 16S rRNA primer gene sequence,the bacteria of E. rhuriopathiae was tested by toxicity test for SPF mice;ELISA method was used to test IgM and IgG in the serum of mice,to observe the pathological changes of liver and spleen;drug sensitive test was used to analyze the drug sensitive effect for five bacteria with nine kinds of antibiotic including penicillin, ampicillin,streptomycin,cefixime and cefotaxime etc. The results showed that five dominant bacteria were isolated and identified as E. rhuriopathiae by 16S rRNA and separated culture,the concentrations of IgM and IgG were obvious higher in the toxicity test group mice serum( P<0.05),the cells of liver and spleen appeared different degree degeneration and necrosis in the infected mice. The results of drug sensitivity test showed that five bacteria were resistance to lincomycin,extrem sensitive to penicillin,ampicillin and cefotaxime,serious sensitive to cefalexin and medium sensitive to azithromycin and enrofloxacin.
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