查看全文    HTML 秋水仙素对红肉火龙果种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响
Effects of colchicine treatments on seed germination and seedling growth of Hylocereus polyrhizus
中文关键词: 红肉火龙果  秋水仙素  化学诱变,种子  幼苗生长  多倍体
英文关键词: Hylocereus polyrhizus  colchicine  chemical induction  seed  seedling growth  polyploid
基金项目:广州市属高校科研计划项目(2012A047);广州市科技计划项目(2014J4100143);广东省科技计划 项目(2014B020202010)
梁海峰,刘顺枝,黄雯臻,马泽华,曾惠美,胡位荣 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 2104
全文下载次数: 834
      以红皮红肉火龙果红仙蜜种子为试材,分别采用0.01%~0.30%(W/V)浓度秋水仙素浸泡干 种子和露白种子,研究秋水仙素对火龙果种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:与对照(蒸馏水浸泡) 相比,随着秋水仙素浓度的升高或浸种时间的延长,火龙果种子发芽率、幼苗存活率和苗长均有不同程度 的降低;露白种子对秋水仙素的作用更敏感,0.01% 秋水仙素24 h、0.05% 秋水仙素12 h 均对苗长有明显 的抑制作用。秋水仙素浸种和露白处理后分别可获得0.2%~4.2% 和0.2%~15.8% 的植株变异率。其中,以 0.20%、0.30% 秋水仙素浸种24~48 h 或者0.20% 秋水仙素露白处理12~24 h 诱导红肉火龙果多倍体效果 较适宜。
      Taking seeds from red pitaya‘ Hongxianmi’ fruit( Hylocereus polyrhizus) as experiment materials, the effects of 0.01 %~0.30%( W/V) colchicines with different exposure time on seed germination and seedling growth were studied. The results showed that,compared with the control( treated by distilled water),the seed germination rate,survival rate and seedling length were inhibited by soaking-seed with the increasing of colchicine concentration and/or the extension of exposure time. The water-soaked-well seeds were more sensitive to colchicine, e.g. the seedling lengths were significant suppressed by the two treatments of 0.01% colchicine for 24 hours or 0.05% colchicine for 12 hours. Meanwhile,colchicine soaking-seed and water-soaked-well seeds would obtain 0.2%~4.2% and 0.2%~15.8% morphological variation seedling,respectively. The most efficient induction combination of ploidy variation was 0.20%,0.3% colchicine soaking-seed with 24~48 hours exposure or 0.20% colchicine water-soakedwell seeds with 12~24 hours exposure.
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