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Effects of different culture medium on the growth of hybrid seeds of Phalaenopsis amabilis by aseptic seeding
中文关键词: 蝴蝶兰  组织培养  无菌播种  培养基
英文关键词: Phalaenopsis amabilis  tissue culture  aseptic seeding  medium
陈春满,张善信,范俊强,罗耿周 东莞市生物技术研究所广东 东莞 523086 
摘要点击次数: 2283
全文下载次数: 758
      通过离体无菌播种试验,研究基本培养基及添加有机附加物对蝴蝶兰杂交种子萌发、分化、壮 苗及生根的影响。结果表明,以1/3MS 为基本培养基的蝴蝶兰杂交种子萌发效果较好,萌发率高,颗粒大, 长势好;壮苗阶段则以1/2MS 作为基本培养基的生长效果较好,苗壮,鲜重较重,叶子分化较快;以添加 100 g/L 马铃薯汁的培养基种子萌发效果最好;苗分化阶段,添加150 g/L 马铃薯汁的培养基生长效果最好, 不同杂交组合平均每瓶鲜重可达26.6 g。在壮苗阶段,以添加香蕉汁100 g/L+ 马铃薯汁150 g/L 培养基的效 果最好,表现为苗壮、根系多、鲜重增加多。
      The effects of basic culture medium and organic additives on the germination,differentiation, seedling and rooting of different hybrid seeds of Phalaenopsis amabilis were investigated by vitro culture. The results demonstrated that among four kinds of basic culture medium( MS,1/2MS,1/3MS,1/4MS ),seed germination in 1/3MS medium was the best,which presenting higher germination rate,larger granules and better growth. At the strongseedling stage,the seedling in 1/2MS medium growed best with sound seedling,high fresh weight and fast leaf differentiation. Among the 3 organic additives( coconut milk,potato juice and apple juice),the potato juice was the best for seed germination and plant differentiation with 100 g/L concentration and 150 g/L concentration,respectively. The average weight per bottle of different hybrid combinations could reach 26.6 g. At the strongseedling stage,the medium with banana juice and potato juice( 100 g/L + 150 g/L) was the best,and the seedling presented sound seedling,more root,and higher fresh weight.
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