林子江1,贾 燕2,夏 迪2,曾经文2,蔡倩怡2,赵坤荣2.土壤调理剂对蔬菜镉吸收的影响研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):47-51
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Effects of soil conditioner on cadmium uptake in vegetables
中文关键词: 土壤调理剂  重金属    蔬菜  吸收累积
英文关键词: soil conditioner  heavy metals  cadmium  vegetables  accumulation
林子江1,贾 燕2,夏 迪2,曾经文2,蔡倩怡2,赵坤荣2 1. 韶关市环境污染控制技术中心广东 韶关 512026 2. 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所广东 广州 510655 
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      随着近年来土壤重金属污染的问题日益突出,蔬菜中的镉污染成为降低蔬菜品质和危害人类 健康的严重问题。通过在镉污染的菜地中施用不同用量的土壤调理剂,测定了不同种类(果实类、叶菜类、 块根类)蔬菜中可食用部分镉含量变化,探究土壤调理剂对蔬菜镉吸收的影响。结果表明:土壤调理剂对 不同植物的镉吸收效果具有不同的影响,其中,豆角、黄豆、生姜、芥蓝、甜瓜的镉含量降低明显,镉含量 平均降低幅度为47.13%,油麦菜为16.4%,对黄瓜、辣椒效果不明显。根据食品中镉的允许量标准,未加入 土壤调理剂前,果实类蔬菜豆角和黄瓜中镉含量较低,能达到国家标准;每667 m2 加入300 kg 调理剂后, 所有果实类蔬菜(除辣椒外)中镉含量均能达到国家标准,较适宜种植在镉污染的土地中。
      Cadmium pollution in vegetables has become a serious problem which can result in vegetable quality loss and endanger human health damage. The effects of soil conditioner on the absorption of cadmium in different vegetables(including fruit vegetables,leaf vegetables and root vegetables)were studied at different application levels. The results showed that soil conditioner had different effects on cadmium uptake by different vegetables. The content of Cd in soybean,soybean,ginger,mustard blue and melon were significantly reduced by 47.13%. And the content of Cd in leaf lettuce were reduced by 16.4% on average,and there is no obvious effect on cucumber and pepper. Before adding the soil conditioner,the content of cadmium in cucumber and green bean were low which can meet the national standard. All fruit vegetables( except chilies) grown on caolmium polluted soil with 300 kg/667 m2 soil conditioner can meet the national standard,which suggested that fruit vegetables were suitable plants for cadmium contaminated land.
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