朱丹丹1,周新华1,郑常格2,蒲 侠1.10% 核型甜菜夜蛾多角体病毒·甲维盐水悬浮剂的初步研制[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):71-76
查看全文    HTML 10% 核型甜菜夜蛾多角体病毒·甲维盐水悬浮剂的初步研制
Initial preparation of 10% nuclear Spodoptera exigua polygonal virus·emamectin benzoate suspension
中文关键词: 甜菜夜蛾  甲维盐  多角体病毒  生化复配  生物农药  水悬浮剂
英文关键词: Spodoptera exigua  emamectin benzoate  polyhedra virus  biochemical compounding  biopesticides  water suspension agent
朱丹丹1,周新华1,郑常格2,蒲 侠1 1. 仲恺农业工程学院化学化工学院广东 广州 5102252. 广州市生物防治站广东 广州 510460 
摘要点击次数: 1974
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      以核型甜菜夜蛾多角体病毒(seNPV)和甲维盐复配,制备水悬浮剂农药。这种生物与化学农 药复配的组合一定程度上弥补了生物农药价格昂贵、起效慢的缺点。通过饲料染药法得到seNPV 的LC50 为 1.88×105 PIB/mL,甲维盐LC50 为1.9185 mg/L。通过共毒因子配伍法确定seNPV· 甲维盐复配组合具有增 效作用,并初步确定了LC50 浓度下体积比80∶1~350∶1 为增效区间。以共毒系数法确定了两种药剂在各 自LC50 浓度下体积比为200∶1 时效果最佳,增效倍数为0.9841。通过两种方法的联用,提高了实验效率。 利用优化组合法对seNPV· 甲维盐水悬浮剂助剂配方进行筛选,通过测定不同配方的叶片持留量、表面张 力和悬浮率,并进行冷储、热储实验,确定农药最佳配方为:seNPV6.62%、甲维盐3.38%、十二烷基硫酸钠 6%、对苯乙烯磺酸2%、有机硅4%、硅酸镁铝1%、黄原胶0.5%,水补足至100%。
      In this paper,the aqueous suspension pesticides were prepared by combining the Spodoptera exigua nuclera polyhedrosis virus( seNPV) and emamectin benzoate. This combination of biological and chemical pesticides to a certain extent makes up for the shortcomings of expensive and slow-acting biological pesticides. The LC50 of seNPV obtained by feed-dose method was 1.88×105 PIB/mL,and the LC50 of emamectin benzoate was 1.9185 mg/L. Co-toxicity factor was used to evaluate the formulation synergism,and the efficiency range was 80∶1~350∶1. Cotoxicity coefficient method was adopted to screen the optimum ratio of pesticides,and the two agents had the best effect when their volume ratio of LC50 was 200∶1. The synergistic multiple was 0.9841. Through the combination of two methods,the experimental efficiency was improved. The optimized composition method was used to screen the formulation of the SeNPV·mamectin benzoate suspension concentrate formulation. By determining the retention, surface tension and suspension rate of different formulations on the leaves,and performing cold storage and heat storage experiments,the optimum formulation of pesticides was determined to be:seNPV 6.62%,mamectin benzoate 3.38%,sodium lauryl sulfate 6%,p-styrene sulfonic acid 2%,silicone 4%,magnesium silicate aluminum 1%, xanthan gum 0.5%,water to 100%.
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