徐丽丽1,梁建东1,柴宇航1,陈万浩1,田维毅1,韩燕峰2,梁宗琦2,王 平1.蛹虫草固态发酵杜仲的工艺优化[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):83-90
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Optimization of process parameters under solid state fermentation using Eucommiae cortex as medicinal substrateby Cordyceps militaris( L.) Link
中文关键词: 杜仲  蛹虫草  Plackett-Burman 实验  Box-Benhnken 实验  固体发酵
英文关键词: Eucommiae cortex  Cordyceps militaris( L.) Link  Plackett Burman design  Box Benhnken design  solid state fermentation
基金项目:基金项目:贵州省千层次创新人才基金(2014);贵州省教育厅科技拔尖人才支持项目(黔教合KY 字[2016]077 号);科技部基础专项项目子项目(2013FY110400);国家自然科学基金(31460010);贵州省普通高等学校工程研究 中心项目(黔教合KY 字[2015]337 号);贵阳中医学院2011 协同创新中心项目(贵中医科台[2014]03)
徐丽丽1,梁建东1,柴宇航1,陈万浩1,田维毅1,韩燕峰2,梁宗琦2,王 平1 1. 贵阳中医学院基础医学院贵州 贵阳 5500022. 贵州大学真菌资源研究所贵州 贵阳 550025 
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      为提高蛹虫草转化杜仲发酵产物中虫草素和松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的产量,并获得最优发酵条件, 在预试验的基础上,通过Plackett-Burman 实验,对培养基中虫草素和松脂醇二葡萄糖苷进行评价,筛选出 显著因素,并通过最陡爬坡实验进一步确定较优组合,最后应用Box-Benhnken 试验设计确定最优发酵条 件。Plackett-Burman 实验结果表明,添料(杜仲粉)量、培养时间、硫酸铵对蛹虫草转化杜仲固体培养具 显著性影响;经响应面法优化后最佳培养基组成及发酵条件为:维生素E 4 g/kg,葡萄糖4 g/kg,硫酸铵8 g/kg,初始pH8,添料(杜仲粉)量27%,接种量40%,培养温度25℃,培养时间18 d,优化后,虫草素和 松脂醇二葡萄糖苷固体发酵单位产量分别达2.92、90.03 μg/g,比优化前分别提高60.44%、52.90%,表明蛹 虫草菌株B1 528 能以杜仲为药性基质成分进行固体发酵,并影响主要活性成分的含量;响应面法用于蛹虫 草转化杜仲的固体发酵优化效果显著。
      The yields of pinoresinol diglucoside( PDG) and cordycepin in the fermentation products using Eucommiae cortex as medicinal substrate by Cordyceps militaris( L.) Link. were improved,and optimal conditions for fermentation production were obtained. Factors affecting cordycepin and PDG production in the fermentation were screened by applying the Plackett-Burman design by the pre-experiment,and the conditions of cordycepin and PDG production were further optimized by Box-Benhnken design. The results of Plackett-Burman experiment showed that these factors of the amount of additive,the cultivation time and ammonium sulfate had notably influenced the transformation of E. cortex in solid state fermentation by C. militaris. The conditions of cordycepin and PDG productionwere further optimized by Box-Behnken design. The results were as follows: VE,glucose,ammonium sulfate,initial pH,additive,inoculation amount,cultivation temperature and cultivation time are respectively 4 g/kg,4 g/kg,8 g/kg,8,27%,40%,25℃ and 18 d. Cordycepin and PDG production in the solid state fermentation had reached up to 2.92 μg/g and 90.03 μg/g respectively,which were 60.44% and 52.90% increase than the initial value by this optimal process. This study indicated that the optimization design proved a useful and powerful tool for the development of optimal medium compositions and culture conditions. C. militaris strain B1 528 was a promising fungus strain for PDG and cordycepin production in solid state fermentation using E. cortex as medicinal substrate.
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