张宇雷1,2,沈建清3,张海耿1,江晟佳4.PVA-PVP 共混填料在循环水养殖水处理中的应用研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):105-111
查看全文    HTML PVA-PVP 共混填料在循环水养殖水处理中的应用研究
Studies on water treatment effect of PVA-PVP blends biocarrier for RAS
中文关键词: 生物过滤  生物填料  循环水养殖  氨氮  生物滤器
英文关键词: biofiltration  biocarrier  recirculating aquaculture  ammonia nitrogen  biofilter
基金项目:中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所基本科研业务费专项(2016YJS015);现代农业产业技术体 系建设专项(CARS-47-G20)
张宇雷1,2,沈建清3,张海耿1,江晟佳4 1. 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所上海 2000922. 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室 上海 2000923. 桐乡市小老板特种塑料制品有限公司浙江 桐乡 314514 4. 浙江倍科睿环境技术有限公司浙江 桐乡 314500 
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      针对目前工厂化循环水养殖水处理工艺中常规生物过滤工艺使用聚乙烯填料对氨氮去除效 率低、硝酸盐氮累积严重的问题,研发制作一种PVA-PVP 共混填料。当填料比重为0.4051 g/cm3 时,所含 成分中聚乙烯含量为90%~91%,聚乙烯醇(PVA)和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)的含量分别为3%~4% 和 2%~3%。将该填料与生物移动床技术相结合,并集成在俄罗斯鲟鱼循环水养殖水处理系统中,比较了高、 中、低3 种溶解氧条件下填料在挂膜期和成熟期对三态氮的去除效果。结果表明:使用PVA-PVP 共混填 料的实验组生物滤器对三态氮的平均去除率均显著高于对照组;进水溶解氧浓度对滤器水净化效果的影 响显著,低溶解氧条件下滤器对氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的平均去除率最高、分别为25.76(±9.26)% 和22.28 (±9.25)%,高溶解氧条件下滤器对硝酸盐氮的平均去除率最高、达11.52(±14.23)%。可见,PVAPVP 生物填料作为生物膜载体对氨氮和硝酸盐氮均具有良好的去除效果,以此作为传统聚乙烯生物填料的 升级能够进一步提升工厂化循环水养殖系统的性能和可靠性,推动产业升级和推广应用。
      Polyethylene( PE) is one kind of conventional material which is generally used for manufacture of biocarriers. However,because of the material’s property,water treatment effect of PE material is difficult to increase. The other problem is that accumulation of nitrate is remarkable because all of TAN has been converted into form of nitrate. In order to solve the problems,one kind of polyvinyl alcohol/ polyvinyl pyrrolidone( PVA-PVP) blends biocarrier has been developed,of which density is 0.4051 g/cm3,PE,PVA and PVP weight ratio is 90%~91%, 3%~4% and 2%~3% respectively. By using of moving bed biofiltration technology,water treatment of the PVA-PVP blends biocarrier has been evaluated in a recirculating aquaculture system raising russian sturgeon( Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) as culture specie. Results show that TAN,NO2 - and NO3 removal rate of blends biocarrier is remarkably higher than conventional PE biocarrier. Dissolved oxygen concentration( DO) has significant effect on water treatment of the blends biocarrier. Under low DO condition,average removal rate on TAN and NO2 - are higher, which is 25.76(±9.26)% and 22.28(±9.25)% respectively. Under high DO condition,average removal rate on NO3 is higher,which is 11.52(±14.23)%. In conclusion,PVA-PVP blends biocarrier can be used in moving bed biofilm reactor very well,which can effectively remove TAN and NO3 from aquaculture water. Using PVA-PVP blends biocarrier to replace conventional PE biocarrier can remarkably increase the stability and performance of recirculating aquaculture system and promote the development of aquaculture industry.
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