何 琳1,程 硕1,周冠怡彤1,张 乐2.农户对互联网金融的意愿需求与农村金融市场边界拓展[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):142-150
查看全文    HTML 农户对互联网金融的意愿需求与农村金融市场边界拓展
Desire demand of internet finance for farmers and expanding of rural financial market
中文关键词: 农户  资源禀赋  资产专用性  互联网金融  农民工
英文关键词: farmers  resource endowment  assets specificity  internet-finance  peasant worker
何 琳1,程 硕1,周冠怡彤1,张 乐2 1. 仲恺农业工程学院管理学院广东 广州 510225 2. 广州农村商业银行股份有限公司广东 广州 510330 
摘要点击次数: 2226
全文下载次数: 714
      随着互联网金融普及,农户借贷面临更多选择,但农户是否能使用互联网金融、是否有意愿需 求,才能决定农村金融市场边界能否拓展。从理论视角对农户意愿金融需求和传统农村金融市场的错配原 理进行诠释,提出互联网金融拓展农村金融市场边界的可能性的假设,运用调查数据使用二元逻辑斯提模 型分析农户对互联网金融的需求特征,验证假设。结果发现:收入和受教育程度敏感地影响农户对互联网 金融的使用,其中在使用互联网的人群中,相较于月收入低的农民工,月收入较高的农民工其月收入每增 加1 元,使用互联网的概率增加1.127 倍。因此,互联网金融改善农村金融二元性存在需求基础,互联网金 融是农村金融市场边界拓展的契机,据此提出应创设农村互联网金融走廊、建立农业普惠金融体系、创新 农村金融治理模式。
      Internet finance has been involved in the rural financial market since its rapid development. There are more accesses to fund for farmers. While the expanding of rural financial market will rely on whether farmers can use internet finance or they would like to need internet finance. This paper has renewed the explanation for the bottle neck to get access to fund for farmers’ and the mismatch between rural financial market and farmers. Based on the hypothesis for internet finance can expand the rural financial market,the Bi-logistic model has been used to analyze the characteristics. This paper finds that income per month and education will sensitively affect famers’ using internet finance. While one yuan higher income will get 1.127 times possibility to use internet finance. As the conclusion which has involved the four policy implications: Firstly,it would be necessary to enlarge internet finance supply. Secondly, it is important to integrate rural financial market and construct the excluded finance. Thirdly,it is a key step to focus on rural financial supply reform. Lastly,it is essential to construct an easy-get rural financial system.
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